Soemardja Gallery Held Exhibition of Abstract Paintings by Self-taught Painter
By Irfaan Taufiiqul Rayadi
Editor Irfaan Taufiiqul Rayadi

BANDUNG, – Abstract paintings exhibition was held in Soemardja Gallery for two weeks starting on Friday (14-28/04/2017). The displayed paintings are the works of Jupri Abdullah, a self-taught painter from Pasuruan, East Java. Many visitors, around 100 persons, had come since the exhibition opened. Some of them were students from Bandung, high school students, lecturers, and professional artists. There were eleven works displayed, such as Satu Syawal (2014), Alief (2015), Dalam Pusaran Kekuasaan (2017), Membaca Tanda-Tanda (2017), Dzikir (2017), Keberagaman bangsa #2 (2017), and Kaki Langit (2017).
The exhibition entitled “Gereget” was one of the exhibitions that are regularly held by Soemardja Gallery every month. “Jupri Abdullah first sent the proposal to hold exhibition of his works in Soemardja Gallery. We then separated his works according to the content and the capacity of Soemardja Gallery.” Said the curator of the exhibition, Danuh. Danuh also said that Soemardja Gallery is a multifunctional place and open to various kinds of activities, such as discussion, film screenings, music concert, etc. “This Gallery is the oldest dictionary art gallery in Indonesia,” said Danuh.
Moreover, a discussion moderated by Danuh was held on Thursday (20/04/17). The speakers in the discussion were M. Dwi Marianto and Rizky A Zaelani. Dwi explained more about the profile of Jupri Abdullah, including his first meeting with Jupri. “Jupri sees the news on many media as potency that can be responded with creativity to display the existence of his artworks,” said Dwi. On the other hand, Rizky explained more about abstract paintings in general. “Abstract art conceal many things hence the intention becomes the hardest to abstract artist,” explained Rizky. Danuh also said that around September 2017 an exhibition will be held to commemorate 70th year of Arts Program of ITB.
Reporter: Dicky Alviansyah (Petroleum Engineering 2015)
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2017
Documentation: personal documentation