SPE ITB-SC Team Regained Champion Title of Petroleum Quiz in Asia-Pacific Competition
ByBayu Septyo
EditorBayu Septyo
BANDUNg, itb.ac.id - Team from Society of Pretroleum Engineers Institut Teknologi Bandung Students Chapter (SPE ITB-SC) successfully regains title as the first champion in international competition, Petrobowl APOGCE 2015, after knocking out another team, nationally and internationally. The team SPE-SC ITB consists of Muhammad Iffan Hananu, Chintya Rizkiaputri, and Arnold Rico Novrianto which comes from the Department of Petroleum Engineering 2012. Petrobowl competition is one of the activities of Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) 2015 that held in this year on the cooperation and collaboration between SPE and Association of Indonesian Petroleum Engineering (IATMI). APOGCE 2015 has several activities including Conference, Student Paper Contest, and Petrobowl at Nusa Dua, Bali (20-22/10/15). Petrobowl itself is a Quiz (Cerdas Cermat) Competition in oil and gas scope that are intended for entire college students in Asia Pacific.
Petrobowl now has theme "Sustain and Gain: Bending the Curve". This competition brought together teams from various country, such as: Indonesia (ITB, UPN, UGM, SST Oil & Gas, ITS, and UIR), Malaysia (Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Universiti Teknologi Mara) and Philippines (Batangas State University) to beat each other by using their own knowledge, intelligence, skill, and speed. In the preliminary round, ITB team showed their excellence consistently with a score above 100. Then in the final session, ITB team was competing strictly with team from the University of National Development Veteran Yogyakarta (UPN). However, well preparation and training provided by SPE ITB-SC can successfully make the team become champion.
This quiz competition tested the ability of participants from technical engineering to trivia such as history, data & statistics, oil & gas companies, and so on. According to Chintya, "Participating in this event is very fun and give us so many exprerience. Although the struggles was pursued by reading a lot of literature as a weapon for this comp, but that all was paid off with a victory in the end. In addition, when the day of competition, we were able to meet with other participants from various universities so we can expand our network of friends, especially our chance to meet with officials in the oil & gas company, alumni of ITB, and academics from various institutions that are very useful for us to expand our views and knowledge about oil & gas world"