SPE SC ITB Will Be Awarded as Outstanding Student Chapter 2014
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

This is the second award which is given to SPE SC ITB. Previously, it has been granted the same award at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibiton in Amsterdam, Netherland. This award, according to Helge, is intended to be given to SPE Chapter which have a good relationship to industry and community, have a well organized plan and operation, and develop innovation professionally.
SPE SC ITB is decent to be granted this award twice because of its remarkable achievements. Last year, team from Petroleum Engineering ITB got a fifth rank at 2014 SPE Annual Technology Conference "Petrobowl XIII" in Amsterdam. It was the highest achievement that Petroleum Engineering ITB ever got at Petrobowl. In that competition, ITB beat Nazarbayev University, Montana Tech, and TU Delft. Besides, SPE ITB also won Regional Student Papaer Contest held at SPE Asia Pasific Oil and Gas Conference Exhibition in Adelaide, October 2014. The last, SPE ITB also became a winner after beat 14 universities at International Oil and Gas Symposium 2014 held by SPE SC Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. In the future, it is expected that SPE SC ITB can be achieve higher achievement.