Three Students Won Second Place for Optimizing Jakarta MRT Application

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — Students of ITB continue to strive for excellence. Three students from the ITB Civil Engineering Study Program were placed second at the 2022 Civil National Expo organized by Tarumanagara University.

The Kuya Kuyi team- consisting of RDA Besya Fairdian, Ammar Asyraf, and Bram Sandika Tarigan- optimizes the current integrated transportation system of MRT (Mass Rapid Transportation) to ease the accessibility of information in Jakarta. With the topic “Role of Generation Z in Innovating Indonesia's Railway System”, they researched ways to enhance the features offered by the MRT-J application.

Besya, Ammar, and Bram formulated five new features in the application. First, they created the “Multi-Mode” function to select the best alternative mode of public transport besides the MRT. MRT is not the only public transportation provided in the city; people can ride other vehicles such as TransJakarta.
The “Mitigation” function warns users during earthquakes or floods. The team also developed the “Quick Response” feature that helps commuters report unexpected incidents concerning safety, emergencies, and loss of belongings.

*Figure 1 “Multi-Mode”, “Mitigation” and “Quick Response” functions

The last two features included in the proposed application are “My Location” and “MRT Pass”. “My Location” displays real-time views of the MRT’s journey. By scanning the QR Code in the MRT, passengers can monitor stations that will be passed throughout the trip. On the other hand, the “MRT Pass” function allows unlimited MRT travels in a given period. The times offered are sold as packets and are available for a day, a week, and a month.

*Figure 2 “My Location” and “MRT Pass” functions

The team decided to optimize the current MRT application as part of the competition's theme- Generation Z. “This generation is more familiar with the usage of this application. We also choose Java, specifically in Jakarta, as the target area where citizens are more tech-savvy,” Besya explained on Saturday (28/05/2022). The other members added that they took inspiration from transportation systems in developed countries, which are well-known to be all-rounded and integrated.

The three students admitted feeling ecstatic about their success in the contest while looking back at their efforts from March to Mei 2022. “We spent most of our rest hours doing this,” Ammar recounted. “We also must adjust our priorities wisely due to our academic responsibilities.”

Furthermore, they are grateful for the guidance of their professor Dr. Eng. Widyarini Weningtyas, S.T., M.T., who often shares her advice and insights on their ideas and suggestions.

There are many things Besya, Ammar and Bran learned throughout the competition, from the registration period to their final presentation. Aside from sharpening their critical thinking skills, they gain more experience and knowledge needed in the future. Thus, they encouraged everyone to be brave and participate in various competitions that are either in the academic or non-academic fields. “It would be a pity if people have studied a lot in college but are unable to implement their understanding of the matter to innovate,” Ammar concluded.

Reporter: Hanan Fadhilah Ramadhani (Civil Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)

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