Two ITB Students Joined the IYF in Palembang

Oleh Fathir Ramadhan

Editor Fathir Ramadhan

PALEMBANG, - Two students represented ITB at the Interfaith Youth Forum (IYF) 2012, in Palembang, South Sumatera. This year's IYF provides opportunities for Indonesian young leaders to exchange ideas and experience on social and interfaith challenges currently faced by Indonesians and the world.


Being the two out of 40 students with various religious belief from across Indonesia, Christanto (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 2009) and Gabriella Renetta Anindia (Ocean Engineering 2009), represented ITB in this event. The participants attended mini lectures and sharing session, performed simulation of interfaith dialog, and visited various houses of prayer in Palembang.

Build Understanding

Dialog is an effective way to understand the difference among faiths. Meliani Martiningsih from Dialogue Institute US said that interfaith dialog helps build understanding and accept differences with people of other religions. "Dialog aims not to debate and convert others, but to embrace and accept differences with open mind," she said.

The beauty of diversity in Indonesia was especially observed on the second day. Religious leaders of Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Hinduism explained the perspectives of each religion regarding the diversity and tolerance. The explanation aims to emphasize one bottom line of every religious teaching, i.e. love and universalism.

To deepen the participants' understanding on interfaith tolerance, a discussion on religious diversity in United States is held and led by Rebecca of Dialogue Institute US. In addition, James Poon of Global Peace Festival gave some remarks on the new paradigm on interfaith.

Willing to Build the Nation

With the theme "Better Understanding through Interfaith Dialogue", IYF 2012 is organized by the Interfaith Youth Community. This program seeks to build understanding among participants on religious diversity.

In addition to that, it was hoped that the participants bring positive changes to the nations, without discriminating. The participants, including ITB delegates, were expected to set up action plan when returning to their respective cities, and bring positive change to community and the nation.

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