Visual Art 2013: Introducing The Fine Arts Deeply

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - ITB Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD ITB) organized Visual Art 2013 which was a series of events consisting a variety events around the fine art world. The series of events consisted exhibition of academic staff's creation which was opened at Saturday (16/03/13) at Soemardja Gallery ITB, national history of art seminar at Thursday-Friday (20-21/03/13) at FSRD ITB Seminar Room, studio open house which was held in a week, and workshop titled "Be an Art Student in One Day". 
This series of events was organized to make public more familiar with fine art world. "Interest in fine arts from year to year is increasing, but still many people are wondering about art world, for example, there are still many parents who forbid their children to be an art student," said Rizky Putra Thiaraswara, a student from Faculty of Art and Design  graduate program who was also a committee in this event.
The academic staff's exhibition itself is annualy organized. In this year various art works were attractively exhibited start from painting, sculpture, 3D art works, and digital art work. Not only beautiful, the art works also bring personal message for their audience. The studio open house and workshop were organized to give information for the first grade student which will choose their major in this year and also for the high school student who interested in art major.
Studio open house was held by painting studio, sculpture studio, graphic studio, ceramic studio, and itermedia studio. Each of the studio exhibited their works from the student and introduce the majors in FRSD ITB.
Not less interesting than the studio open house and exhibition, the art history seminar titled "The Art Movement in New Order Era" also enliven the Visual Art 2013 event. Various national artist figures from new order be the speakers in this seminar included Asikin Hasan, Rizki A. Zaelani, Moelyono, Ferri Agustian Sukarno, Hardi, F.X. Harsono, Siti Adiyati Subangun, Ira Adriati, Mohamad Cholid, Bonyong Munni Ardhi, Jim Supangkat, and Yustiono. Beside the student of FSRD ITB, many artists from different area in Indonesia also came to this seminar.
"This seminar also can give many insight for the art student about Indonesian art history that in the New Order there was a paradigm shift about fine art which was done by a group of young artist that called GSRB. They initiated the "Black December" action. In the new order that was a very brave thing to do," said Rizky

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