Wisnight Parade of ITB's April Graduation 2023, the First Eco-friendly Event After the Pandemic

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

Photo of a waste-exchange stand at Wisnight (04/01) (Documentation by HMTL ITB)

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id—ITB's April Graduation Parade is one of the graduation celebrations commemorated by ITB students. One of its highlights is Wisnight, an event to appreciate and celebrate graduates through a series of fun activities such as student performances, food bazaars, and guest star appearances. Themed "A Night to Remember", this year's Wisnight took place on April 1, 2023, at Lapangan CC Timur ITB, better known as Lapangan Cinta (meaning "The Field of Love").

This year, the April Graduation Parade committee collaborated with the ENV Values Division of the Department of Science of the Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) ITB to realize the concept of a less-waste Wisnight. This environmentally friendly concept was chosen because a good waste management hierarchy begins with waste that is already reduced and managed at the source. Good waste management must start with public awareness of waste itself.

"Why target student activities? Because normally such events involve a lot of parties, from the committee to the participants. At the very least, people can now perceive that many student events are beginning to move towards a more environmentally friendly direction," explained Amael, Vice Director of the ENV Values Division.

Then, what makes this event eco-friendly?

First of all, three types of trash bins were provided: organic, inorganic, and residue. These trash bins were placed in three areas around Lapangan Cinta. As such, it was expected that waste could be separated and processed according to its characteristics.

Second, recyclable waste, such as plastic bottles and cardboard boxes, was distributed to Bank Sampah Bersinar. Bank Sampah Bersinar, abbreviated as BSB, is one of the largest waste banks in Bandung that provides education, innovation, and community-based waste management services. BSB was also appointed Indonesia's Best West Bank 2021.

In addition, to increase the participation of students and graduates in the event, there was also a waste-exchange stand at which coupons worth Rp10.000 could be claimed. These coupons could be then used to buy food at the bazaar.

The types of waste that could be exchanged include everyday waste, such as masks, cardboard, plastic bottles, skincare containers, and paper. The decorations featured at Wisnight were also made from used bottles in an effort to further reduce waste.

What does the produced waste look like?

Evidently, there was still a large amount of waste that had not been sorted according to the types of trash bins provided. Nonetheless, there will always be a first step in starting something.

Photo of waste management by Bank Sampah Bersinar (04/03) (Documentation by HMTL ITB)

Amel hoped that environmental issues could be started and discussed since the admission of new students. ITB has a development planning program, in which education and awareness of waste can be enforced. In addition to educational programs, it would be even better if there were actual regulations and implementation.

"The Sabuga Landfill is currently under renovation and will soon be completed. If we continue using the same collect-transport-dispose pattern, the said landfill will not be able to handle incoming waste and become unmanageable in the near future. Therefore, we need to start transitioning the whole process by reducing the waste directly from its source," asserted Amael.

Director of the ENV Values Division, Shefira, concluded by revealing, "Students should have known how to dispose of waste in its place, but sadly it was not the case for some people."

Reporter: Hasna Khadijah (Environmental Engineering '19)
Translator: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering '21)

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