Workshop and Exhibition of Expedition Pelita Muda Spread the spirit of ITB Student Movement to the Rest of Indonesian

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, - Pelita Muda first expedition organized by the Cabinet of Pelita Muda has entered the final phase. However, it does not mean the spirit to move to various parts of Indonesia will end anyway. This spirit is reflected in the exhibition and workshops and Expedition of Pelita Muda on Sunday - Wednesday (16-19/03/14) on Campus Center Timur (CC Timur) and ITB Central Library. Through exhibitions and workshops, the Cabinet of Pelita Muda wanted to give inspiration to continue working to ITB students in particular and the entire youth of Indonesia in general.
Pelita Muda Expedition Workshop held on Sunday (16/03/14) in CC Timur with three main event, which is a panel discussion on the topic "Sumba and Siberut: Two middle Cultural Exoticism Modern Civilization", travel documentation and video playback from video creation workshop documentation and basic education roadshow Wanadri 2014. At the panel discussion, it addressed the problems and potential as seen from the island of Sumba and the island of Siberut. After that, in the event of travel documentation video playback, presented a video that summarizes the journey, challenges and how to survive the expedition participants Pelita Young while in the two islands. The last event on Youthful Pelita Expedition workshops is workshop making video documentation that discusses important things when making a video made elementary education and dissemination of information Wanadri 2014 in September to the next August.

Pelita Muda Expedition exhibition on Monday - Wednesday (17-19/03/14) is no less interesting with Pelita Youth Expedition workshops. At the exhibition, ITB students can view photos, videos and souvenirs given society and Siberut island of Sumba to the ekspeditor. In addition, students who did attend could give testimony, hopes, suggestions and criticism to the organization of next  Pelita Muda Expedition.  "This expedition is a scientific expedition aimed to carry out community development in disadvantaged areas through distribution of appropriate technology by ITB students. We hope this event will be continued by ITB students in the future," said Nyoman Anjani (Chairman of the Cabinet of ITB Student Family 2013/2014 and Pelita Muda Expedition Movement initiator)

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