MTI ITB Put Risks Management on Seminar
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

In his welcoming speech, Ari Samadhi expressed his gratitude to the speakers from PT. Asuransi MSIG Indonesia which has become Industrial Engineering's partner for more than seven years to give knowledge to the students about risks management and professionals' world in assurance field. "We hope that this seven-year-partnership will sustain," Ari said.
In the first session, the development of assurance business in Indonesia was discussed. There was also an explanation about MSIG's assurance products and the marketing of them. It was well explained with the recent statistic data through tables and graphics. Also, it was delivered that Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and the other finance offices including assurance has printed blue-print about national's strategy about financial literation on last November. The blue print will be the guidance for all offices in order to maximize the finance offices' role in the act to improve people's welfare.
Walking towards Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015, the insight and comprehension about risks management and its applications in marketing are undeniably important. Indri, as the speaker, said that the index of Indonesians that already understand that assurance as risks management was only 17.84% and the index of assurance utilization in Indonesia was only 11.82% which was so low compared to the other countries in Southeast Asia. The number showed that the majority of Indonesians still do not fully understand how important risks management is. In the end of the seminar, Michael W. Gourlay as the Executive Vice President Business Development of MSIG explained about the analysis of age and gender on assurance utilization by Indonesians.