Addie MS Invites ITB Students Sharpen Sense of Nationalism Through Patriotic and Traditional Songs

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG , - ITB held public lectures with figures Indonesian composer and arranger renowned orchestra , Addie MS , as the main speaker . Studium generale held on Wednesday ( 30/09/13 ), this is also collaboration with one of the subjects of Engineering Physics study program , Kapita SeleKta . With the headline "Building Nationalism Through Songs of Patriotic and Traditional" , public lecture campus inviting the high enthusiasm in ITB East Hall with students of various study programs and student activities unit .

The event opened with remarks from Capita Selecta lecture supervisor , Ir . R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono , Ph.D. In his speech , Joko thanked Addie MS who have been willing to be a speaker to share knowledge and experiences . According to Joko , the theme building nationalism through patriotic and traditional apt to be pointed in this era . " This theme can make us remember and maintain our sense of nationalism against the Indonesian people", said Joko .

Speech was followed by the appearance of ITB Student Orchestra ( ISO ) which carries a traditional song from West Java format strings quartet , Manuk Dadali . ISO as one unit student activity ITB lecturers guided study program Architecture , Ir . Baskoro Tedjo , managed to make Addie MS impress . According to Addie , it takes perseverance to be able to master the instrument and take the time to practice together in one ensemble to give birth to a synergy . " Especially you guys are students of an engineering college", said Addie .

Addie then begins with an account of the music , especially the songs of struggle and the region as a medium of expression to build a sense of nationalism . He began with a story about the early interest msuik orchestra , orchestra history , as well as the contribution of the music , especially the orchestra , to the history of world civilization . Addie said that the composers of the world describe their sense nasionalsime through music . Addie slipped attractively packaged with some fragments of songs to play orchestral compositions that illustrate a sense of nationalism .

Growing nationalism of the Self

Regarding the issue of nationalism that increasingly fade , Addie will also recounts his experience arranging music compositions for symphony orchestra national anthem of the Republic of Indonesia , Indonesia Raya . "In the past there has been no national anthem Indonesia Raya is well orchestrated and beautiful , is also worthy to be heard everywhere", said Addie . Based on the concern would be the lack of good orchestration for the song Indonesia Raya , Addie then arranging compositions for Indonesia 's national anthem along with the Twilite Orchestra . Besides Indonesia Raya , Addie and his team also made ​​orchestral arrangements to songs other Indonesian regions , which are then packed in album The Sounds of Indonesia .

The sense of nationalism shown by Addie with Indonesia Raya song orchestration which dedicated to Indonesia . Addie did not receive a royalty for Indonesia Raya song version of orchestra . " I had been satisfied with a sense of pride in the success of The Sounds of Indonesia was topchart on iTunes . This is truly an awesome experience moving and unforgettable", recalls Addie .

Addie again told to not let a sense of nationalism increasingly faded . " A lot of leaders of nations born from the ITB . Therefore , we must continue to build a sense of nationalism and not let it fade", said Addie .

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