FSRD ITB: Push the Spirit to Develop Humanities Research

Oleh Medhira Handinidevi

Editor Medhira Handinidevi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - In line with Statuta of ITB, developing the branch of humanities knowledge is a must. For making that goal, Humanities Research Group held an internal seminar titled "Humanities : Research and Publication" on Tuesday (10/12/13) located in Labtek VI ITB. This routine events was inviting three spreakers, Prof. Ir. Togar Simatupang, Prof. Dr. Ismunandar, and Dr. Pinkan to discuss the latest development of research, especially in humanities field.
This seminar usually attended by lecturer from Humanities Research Group, but today the committee also invited staff and students from other universities in Bandung. The event whose aim is to motivate the spirit of writing and building a research in humanities was opened by the Dean of FSRD ITB, Dr. Imam Santosa, M.Sn. After his speech, the Chief of Humanities Research Group, Dr. Ir. Dicky Rezady Munaf, MS., MSCE gave a welcoming note to all audience. Dicky explained that this research group is ready to  develop the character of ITB graduates in line with the spirit written in the Statuta of ITB, including the humanities competence.

The first speaker, Prof. Ir. Simatupang, open the seminar with the story of his experience about the recent research methodology. This era, there are a lot of new and advanced development in research methodology. It is important to use different methodology and not only focus on the conventional one. "Be sure that we certain of what we do, and always believe that it must be accountable," said Togar.

After that, Prof. Dr. Ismunandar gave the picture of the challenge in research publication. He describe his worry about how limited the number of scientific pubication by ITB researcher. The problems was in the quantity of the published article. Many people envy of making a journal but find it difficult to keep on producing a good writings.

The seminar was closed by the lecture of idea management who was delivered by Dr. Pinkan. This type of management is really closed to the importantce of a creativity inside the humanities itself.

Commitment to Develop Humanities

Humanities Research group was a group of lecturer who taught Academic Writings, English language, and other general courses. In line with Rector's Decree of Humanities, this group had just develop three new laboratory, which are Art and Science Linguistic Lab, Genolingustic Lab, Art and Science Technologi Audit Insurance. Apart from that, this group ias also preparing for the new progarm in post-graduate title, Culture Communication. "Humanities Research Group is ready to make this come true," said Dicky.

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