Getting to Know Study Programs in ITB Closely
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – After its Open House in January 2021, Institut Teknologi Bandung once again held a virtual introduction to its study programs on Wednesday-Thursday (19-20/5/2021). The event was carried out to provide opportunities for prospective ITB students as well as the first year students to get to know the study program in ITB closely.
Moreover, the first year students were currently conducting a final-stage majoring survey that was aimed to verify the desired major.
In the implementation, the event included the introduction of 17 study programs that belong to the National Strategic Studies Program group. The following list describes the schedule of each study program.
Each study program delivered a presentation on the scope of the study program, the graduates of the study program, and the alumni profile. During the event, the head of each study program directly delivered and led the order of the presentation.
Director of Education ITB, Dr.Techn. Ir. Arief Hariyanto, expressed his hope for the participants to utilize their opportunity by asking questions regarding the desired study program. "Participants can ask the head of study programs directly and hopefully can get an answer that fulfills their expectations," he said.
He also said that on the first day of implementation, only chosen study programs that delivered its presentation due to the limited time and the unfamiliarity of particular study programs among the community. Whereas, they have such an important role in community development. Therefore, this activity was intended to gain the recognition of ITB study programs that are still rarely known.
ITB conducted a whole series of webinar events by fulfilling the health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing the enthusiasm of the participants, ITB possibly conducts another virtual introduction to its study programs once again.
Reporter: Andri Maulana (TPB, 2020)
Translator: Naffisa Adyan (Oceanography, 2019)