ICHCKM 2015: Prepared Human Resources to Face the ASEAN Economic Community

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Development of human resources and knowledge management in organizations is the key to the business sustainability, particularly with the entry into force of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the end of this year. To celebrate this, the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB in cooperation with Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) organized the 2nd International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management (ICHCKM 2015). The conference, which took place on Wednesday and Thursday (11-12/02/15) in this ITB East Hall presents speakers who play an important role in this field, including the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Dr. Yuddy Chrisnandi.

In this second implementation, ICHCKM 2015 focused on the theme "Human Capital, Knowledge Management, and Learning Organization for Business Sustainability". This conference is an attempt SBM ITB to contribute knowledge in the field of human resource development in order to face the AEC. In addition, the conference also shared knowledge and experience as well as establish a network of cooperation between universities in ASEAN, business organizations, practitioners, research institutions, and government.

"Higher education plays a role in producing graduates who are competent with a standard that refers to the international community," Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono as Dean of SBM ITB said. "The partnership between academia, industry, and government will make Indonesia more prepared to face the current era of free competition like this," he added.

One of the effects of the implementation of AEC is opening the labor market to the eight sectors of professionalism. That is, the competition of college graduates to obtain employment will increase. It is agreed by I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja (Director General of ASEAN Cooperation) who participated as a speaker in the conference. "Acceleration to produce skilled manpower is one important condition for Indonesia to compete. It is necessary synergy conducted jointly with the business community, government, and universities to improve the quality of our human resources," I Gusti Agung said.

Hope is in line with the strategy that has been done by ITB today to increase the competence of graduates. In his speech, ITB Rector, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi, said that ITB has made various efforts to improve the competence of its graduates. "Since 2011, ITB has cooperated with all the universities in ASEAN who are members of ASEAN Credit Transfer System. Then, ITB also has collaborated with various foreign partners in 40 countries with more than 300 universities. It is a strategy that ITB do early so that students have readiness in the face of globalization, not only in ASEAN but also international," Prof. Kadarsah explained.

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