ICMNS 2010: Sciences for the World's Unending Development
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id-Three ITB faculties and schools organized the Third International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) 2010 on Tuesday to Thursday(23-25/11/10). A number of the world's, as well as national academicians presented their academic paper and publications. This international conference was held in four sites: ITB West Hall, East Hall, East Campus Center, and Basic Science Center A.
The three ITB faculties involved in the implementation are Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), School Of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH), and School of Pharmacy(SF) ITB. ICMNS 2010 had a series of programs such as keynote speaker presentation, academic guests presentation, participants' paper, and poster exhibition.
ICMNS 2010 covered various fields of research, including medical science, bioscience and biotechnology, environmental science, pharmacy science, physical science, material science, mathematics, computer and computational science, also earth science and astronomy.
Below are the academicians who attended ICMNS 2010 as keynote speaker and presented their paper:
1. Prof. Dr. David Barrie Johnson of Bangor University, UK, presented "Biomining: an Established and Dynamic Biotechnology"
2. Prof. Dr. Tjandra Setiadi, M.Eng. of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, presented "Technologies for Realizing the Sustainable Society"
3. Prof. Reynier Peletier of Kapteyn Institut Groningen, the Netherland, presented "Developments in Astronomy in the Netherlands"
4. Prof. Dr. David Guest of Sydney University, Australia, presented "Plant-Microbe Interactions: the Significance to Sciences and Applications"
5. Prof. Dr. Floris P.J.T. Rutjes of Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, presented "Total Synthesis of Platencin and Dehydrohomoplatencin"
Those speaking at the conference were not only the oversea scientists, but also the participants and industries' representatives. One of the industries representatives was Dr. Neni Nurainy, of PT Biofarma Indonesia, presented "Development of New Tuberculosis Vaccine Based on Densritic Cell Targeting".
Avenue for Research Publication
The development of science is inseparable with numerous researches applied for the benefit of mankind. Since its first appearance in 2006, ICMNS has become an avenue to promote myriads of sciences' developments and future prospects, as the world's technological advancement escalates.
ICMNS 2010 aimed to channel the academicians' ideas, enabling them to present and publicize their research in front of the public. ICMNS 2010 also aimed to trigger the future development of science and technology.