Guest Lecture at Informatics Engineering of ITB: Successful Programming with Clean Code

BANDUNG, – Most companies has now involved software and computerized system for processes automation. The system is built with programming algorithm, database and design with non-physical form. Every time a company wants to expand and develop, its supporting system should be well-developed and well...

March 27, 2017

Robin Hood MTI ITB: Kindling the Spirit of Community Services through Competition, Seminar, and Exhibition

BANDUNG, – Being one out of three points of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, community service should be engraved in the heart of every academician. Holding an event series entitled Robin Hood, the Society of Industrial Engineering Students of ITB (MTI ITB) and Paragon showed the support to student community...

March 26, 2017

Get to Know Prof. Dr. Matthias Aroef

BANDUNG, – Industrial Engineering is one of long-established study programs in ITB. However, It would not have existed if it was not for Prof. Dr. H. Matthias Aroef, MSIE, IPM, a technocrat with abundant of services to Industrial Engineering in Indonesia, especially in ITB. ...

March 24, 2017

Prof. Djoko T. Iskandar: A Witness to the Diversity of Indonesia

BANDUNG, – Prof. Djoko Tjahjono Iskandar is a professor of ITB and a world-acclaimed herpetologist. Herpetology, his study field, is a branch of biology that studies reptiles and amphibians. One of his notable discoveries in Borneo’s rainforest is lungless frog. Born in Bandung on 23 August 1950, this...

March 23, 2017

Construction of Public Housing for ITB Young Lecturers Officially Commenced

JATINANGOR, – To accelerate the development of ITB Jatinangor campus, the government through its Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Ministry of PUPR) will build a public house (low-cost rental apartments) for ITB young lecturers in Jatinangor campus. The project is officially commenced with ground...

March 23, 2017

ITB Award Honorary Doctor to Prof. Peter Agre (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2003)

Since the mid 19th century, man has speculated that human cells contain specific channels to transport water. This is confirmed by Peter Agre, a professor from John Hopkins University by isolating protein from cell membrane. By comprehending aquaporin mechanism on molecular level, knowledge of the mechanism of cells in...

March 22, 2017