Rector of ITB Welcome New Students: Preserve the Norm of Academic Virtues

BANDUNG, - The welcoming ceremony for new students is a form of congratulatory message as well as appeal of responsibilities entrusted to the thousands of new generation of ITB. For the 2016/2017 academic year, ITB held an open session for the new students' official acceptance on Monday (08/08/16) located in Sasana Budaya Ganesha ITB,...

August 10, 2016

Panel Discussion 20th Anniversary of AI3 ITB: The Role of Internet to Increase the Level of Education on Society

BANDUNG, - On Monday (04/09/16) ITB held an event titled "20th Anniversary of AI3" in order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the utilization of internet in ITB. This event took place at the East Hall of ITB. The event was conducted to celebrate the growth of internet usage in ITB for 20 years. Asia Internet...

September 06, 2016

Along with the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia, ITB Held International Seminar on Halal Tourism

BANDUNG, - Located in the West Hall of ITB, Halal Center of Salman ITB and Center for Tourism Planning and Development of ITB, supported by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia, held International Seminar on Halal Tourism on Thursday-Friday (01-02/09/16). The seminar was organized to support Indonesian government programs in increasing...

September 01, 2016

Developing ICHAS, ITB Earned Silver Medal at PIMNAS 2016

BANDUNG, - ITB successfully made it to the fifth place with 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal, and 4 bronze medals at the 29th PIMNAS, which was held on Monday-Friday (07-12/08/16) at IPB. On this occasion, ICHAS team won the silver medal for best presentation in PKM-KC (Program KreativitasMahasiswa - KaryaCipta) category. ICHAS team...

August 16, 2016

ITB Held Open Session Commemorating 96 Years of Engineering College in Indonesia

BANDUNG, - In commemoration of the 96 years (1920-2016) of Engineering College in Indonesia (PTTI), ITB held an open session on Saturday (20/08/16) at West Hall, ITB. This open session consisted of two main agendas, which were scientific oration and ITB award ceremony to stakeholders who have demonstrated outstanding service in the ...

August 23, 2016 From PIMNAS 2016 towards a Future Portal of Indonesia

BANDUNG, - Initially, it was only a dream to share the spirit of creations to all over Indonesia owned by some students of ITB: Jonathan Pribadi (Electrical Power Engineering 2012), I Wayan Kurniawan Aditya W. (Electrical Power Engineering 2012), Diardano Raihan (Electrical Engineering 2012), and I Wayan Palaguna Krisnadi (Electrical...

August 18, 2016

KPA ITB Goes To Oslo: Effort of Increasing Cultural Diplomacy in Norway

BANDUNG, - Not only engaged in the ins and outs of technology, ITB proves its existence in cultural world through one of the musical instruments of West Java, namely angklung. Being a part of the arts and cultural units of Student Activity Units (UKM) ITB, Keluarga Paduan Angklung (KPA) showed its skills once again in the international...

August 26, 2016