Gedar Cracker Innovation
BANDUNG, - A team of three consisting of students from Institut Teknologi Bandung's School of Business and Management, Putri Rahmawati (Entrepreneurship 2013), Irfan Fajri (Entrepreneurship 2013) dan Widianingsih (Entrepreneurship 2013), has successfully achieved the 3rd place in "Gempa 4.0 Business Plan Competition"...
May 10, 2015ITB-Korea Stregthen Cooperation in Cyber Security
BANDUNG, - On the era of technological war today, Cyber Security issues are very likely affect the stability of a country. Measures such as piracy and cyber sabotage to theft of state's confidential documents lately often struck. This can attack both military and non-military sectors. By 2015, internet user penetration...
May 14, 2015Develop Materials Technology, Ferry Iskandar Wins Various Awards
Indonesia is one of the major mining countries in the world. Unfortunately, Indonesia doesn't have the sufficient technology to process mineral ores into half-processed metals. In 2013, Indonesia was world's 2nd most nickel producer, although the rank dropped to 3rd position in 2014. But, most of these nickel are exported in its ore...
May 02, 2015SKG BMG ITB: Tooth Paste Degrades Natural Structure of Saliva
BANDUNG, - TB Medical Service (UPT Layanan Kesehatan) has recently held the Tooth Health Seminar (Seminar Kesehatan Gigi, SKG) at Tuesday (05/05/15). Taking place at Bumi Medika Ganesha (BMG) Hall, this 2 hours seminar was attended by various participants such as lecturers and staff of ITB, Staff of BMG, and the...
May 08, 2015Dr. Ir. Kosasih Prijatna, M.Sc.: Distinguish Indonesia-Malaysia Border in Sebatik Island
BANDUNG, - Unclear boundaries in several areas between Indonesia and neighboring countries is a common topic in society. The boundary in Sebatik Island is one of them. Sebatik is a small island located in Kalimantan east coast that is officially listed as one of the 92 remote islands in Indonesia. The island is divided into 2 regions;...
April 19, 2015Intertwine Tight Relationship, FTMD ITB Answer Through International Day 2015
BANDUNG,,- Future Global Leaders Programm (FGL) becomes bright opportunity for each colleger to feel education aboard. Basically, to studying at foreign country, the first main to prepared is communication language skill like using international language. However, this condition not only just using language. To studying aboard, the...
May 10, 2015Lapas Anak Berbagi: Giving Back to the CommunityThrough Education
BANDUNG, - The National Education Day, which is celebrated on May 2nd every year, should have been a reflection of every educational institutions about their contribution in educating the nation. The parameter of success of the educational institutions in educating the nation is not only the achievement of their students, but also it is...
May 03, 2015