Chinese Course UKT ITB, One Way to Face Globalization Era

BANDUNG, - Public speaking skill and literacy are some of the life skills which are necessary in globalization era. With communication skill and good way of speaking, the process of information exchange and social interaction become easier and more qualified. This was the background proposed by UKT (Unit Kebudayaan Tionghoa) through the...

February 14, 2014

Relate Nature with Industy, HMRH Organize Seminar in ITB

BANDUNG, - Bio-Engineering Student Association ITB (ITB HMRH) held External Day events in the form of seminars with the theme of "Harmony between Nature and Industry". The event was held at the Seminar Room Jatinangor ITB Rectorate Building on Saturday (02/15/2014). In the seminar, it was discussed how nature as a source to...

February 17, 2014

Gebrak Indonesia: Creating Independent Society in Multiple Sectors

BANDUNG, - One of college's Tri Dharma is a community development. Community development is not only about giving something to society and they just accept what student has given to without doing anything. Community development is more than that, the main goal of community development is to 'change' people's mindset to be independent...

February 10, 2014

Kelud's Smoke Had Reached Bandung, ITB Community Was Encouraged to Use Masks

BANDUNG, - Two hours after declared alert on its status, Kelud Mountain (1.737 meters above sea level) finally erupted on Thursday (13/02/14) at 22.49 WIB. The eruption reached 17 kilometers heights. This eruption had caused rain of volcanic rock around the mountain, particularly in Kediri. The volcanic ash even spread to other areas in...

February 15, 2014

IYEC 2014: Develop The Potential of Energy in Indonesia

BANDUNG, - Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia - section ITB (IATMI - SM ITB) held a seminar on energy issues of Indonesia that at this time is still depends on energy fossil such as oil and gas. Seminar was held on Saturday (02/15/14) in the Auditorium Campus Center East, ITB. This seminar was the culmination of  IATMI Youth...

February 16, 2014

Held a Cultural Night, SITH ITB and Kookmin University were Sharing Their Culture

BANDUNG, - As the closing ceremony for International Student Exchange program, School of Life Sciences and Technology ,  ITB (SITH ITB)  and  College of Forest Science, Kookmin University, South Korea  organized a Cultural Night. The event was held on Sunday (02/09/14) in Hall of  ITB Jatinangor.Cultural Night...

February 13, 2014

SITH ITB Signs MoA with Kookmin University, Korea

BANDUNG , - School of Life Sciences and Technology ITB ( SITH ITB ) signed a Memorandum of Agreement ( MoA ) with the College of Forest Science , Kookmin University Korea . MoA signer is held on Tuesday ( 02/04/2014 ) at the Public Lecture Jatinangor ITB . The signer is held in conjunction with the opening of the International...

February 05, 2014