LFM ITB: Capturing the Graduation Moments through Camera

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Graduation along with defile is a unique tradition whom ITB has among other traditions. This glorious activity has become an attraction for surrounding communities, and also become a moment which is always awaited by the graduates and the mass of the campus. Realizing the importance of this moment, Liga Film Mahasiswa (LFM)...

January 05, 2014

Dr. Ir. Basuki E. Priyanto, MEng: Alumni ITB as A Dozens Patent Holder of Algorithm Including 4G

BANDUNG , itb.ac.id - It has been a dozen years Dr.Ir. Basuki Endah Priyanto , MEng , Electrical Engineering Alumni ITB 1999 , working in the field of wireless communication technology . He designed digital signal processing algorithms fourth generation smart phone ( 4G ) for a telecommunications company in Sweden , one of the center of the...

January 20, 2014

SNMPTN 2014 Ready to Develop the Quality of Indonesia's Education System

The upcoming SNMPTN 2014, which was scheduled to be on February-May 2014, was the country's mechanism to chose among its best students the candidates to undergo a higher education in the College. The selection process must guarded by an equal and no discrimination principles, that sees no differences in gender, religion, ethnic, race, social...

January 09, 2014

AMI 2014: Chasing Your Dream in ITB

BANDUNG , itb.ac.id - As the government's full support to the programs of the National Selection Entrance State University 2014 ( SNMPTN 2014 ) , Ministry Coordinator of Advocacy and Regeneration with a sub - field of the Student Welfare under ITB Student Family Cabinet ( KM - ITB ) held a series of events Aku Masuk ITB 2014 (AMI 2013) to the...

January 16, 2014

ITB Development: Past, Now, and Later

BANDUNG , itb.ac.id - In line with the development of institutions and the dynamics of government policy in the field of education , the need for new facilities can not be inevitable . Bandung Institute of Technology has a long history in the construction of academic facilities . During the development , this campus has undergone various...

December 28, 2013

ITB Gets Four Champion at Pertamina OSN 2013

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - In Pertamina National Science Olympiad (OSN Pertamina) 2013, which took place on Monday-Friday (9-13/12/13) at the University of Indonesia, ITB managed to carve a brilliant achievement. Four championships were achieved, two of which are of category of theory, while the other two was from science projects category. This year is...

December 31, 2013

ITB Students as Indonesian First Students to Win World Level Debate Competition

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Two students of ITB : Vicario Reinaldo (Industrial Engineering 2010) and Fauzan Reza Maulana (Civil Engineering 2011) managed to record a new history in the world of international debate by becoming the first Indonesian to win the World's University Debating Championship (WUDC) . WUDC held at Rajalakshmi Engineering College,...

January 09, 2014