ITB Students Research About EOR Published in International Journal

BANDUNG, - Oil is one of energy resource which still dominate Indonesian. But, Indonesia nowadays is different from Indonesia in past, in terms of oil exporter company. It was proven by cessation of Indonesia from OPEC  (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) in 2008. Various studies carried out to solve energy problems....

March 05, 2014

SBM ITB Student Show Riveting Performances Applying Their Courses

BANDUNG , - A very stunning appearance was represented by the student from School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB in 'Opera and Drama Inspired by SBM for Education and Charity' ( ODDISEY ) for four consecutive days on Friday - Monday (28-31/04/14)  in Taman Budaya Jawa Barat. ODDISEY is an annual event since 2005 as a project...

March 31, 2014

A Letter from Indonesian President to Bidik Misi Scholar

BANDUNG , - Located in West Hall ITB , ITB held a gathering with the Minister of Education and Culture which was held on Saturday (03/30/14) . The event invites representative  students receiving Bidik Misi Scholarships s of various higher education in West Java , among others, there were  ITB, Universitas Padjajaran,...

March 31, 2014

Cisitu Menghijau: Introduce Urban Farming to Childern

BANDUNG, - On Sunday (16/03/14), Department of Green Ganesha Keluarga Mahasiswa ITB by Cisitu Menghijau Program held community-based activities with the theme "Urban Darming". Urban Farming is a new style in farming to populated location with limited green areas. Located in volleyball field, RW 10, Cisitu Lama, childern who are...

March 16, 2014

ITB Students Are Ready to be Smart Electors in Pemilu 2014

BANDUNG, election (Indonesian: Pemilihan Umum or Pemilu) 2014 is coming closer. On April 9th 2014, the Indonesian citizens will implement the democratic systems by electing some best leaders who will represent them in the government seats. One of the most important elements in Pemilu 2014 is the Indonesian youth. This is due...

March 16, 2014

SBM ITB Successfully Achives ISO Certification

BANDUNG, - School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB succeeded in getting certificate International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 becauseof the achievement in quality guarantee management and education. This international level acreditation was directly announced by Jamaludin Malik as head of auditing from Sucofindo...

March 04, 2014

Paradigma: The Exploration of Room Which Is Actually An Emptiness

BANDUNG , - Paradigma held for the second time on Wednesday - Friday ( 12-14/03/14 ) . Activities carried out by the Interior Design Student Association ( IMDI ) was held at ITB East Hall with the concept of ' Composition Room ' . In the circuit also held seminars with speakers Personal Widodo entitled ' Dialogue with Interior...

March 18, 2014