Studium Generale: The Chairman of RIÂ’s Supreme Audit institution Encourages ITB Students to Fight Corruption
BANDUNG, - Thousands of students from various fields filled West Hall of ITB to attend Studium Generale that was held on Wednesday (02/10/13). Chairman of Republic of Indonesia's Supreme Audit Institution (Badan Pengawas Keuangan ,BPK), Drs. Hadi Poernomo, Ak, was invited to this public lecture on the theme "The Role of BPK in...
October 04, 2013Learning The Outer Space from Astara Ganesha
BANDUNG, Students Association ITB ( Himastron ITB ) held Astara Ganesha event which was on Friday-Saturday , ( 04-06/10/13 ) . This event is a national big event that consists of a series of events held at ITB Ganesha.Departing from concern for the quality of children's knowledge of Indonesia which is still...
October 13, 2013Prof. Dr. Ir. Enri Damanhuri: The Pioneer of University Incinerator in Indonesia
BANDUNG , - Waste has always been part of the problems of a country , including Indonesia . But interest to resolve waste problem may only be done by a few people . One of them is Prof . Dr. . Ir . Enri Damanhuri ( Chairman of the Air and Waste Management Expertise Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB).He is a...
October 01, 2013BPKP Explained Students' Role in Indonesia's Coruption Eradication
BANDUNG, - Wednesday (25/09/13) the Student Council (Lembaga Kemahasiswaan) of ITB held a Studium Generale that invited Financial and Development Surveillance Board (Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan, BPKP) of West Java Province. This lecture that was performed by Head of Investigastion Department, Drs. Ganis Diarsyah.MM,was...
September 30, 2013Flight Leader from ITB : Prof. Oetarjo Diran Had Passed Away
BANDUNG , - Tuesday ( 9/17/13 ) one of the leading figure in Aerospace Engineering ITB , Prof. . Oetarjo Diran , had passed away. Oetarjo who once served as former Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee ( NTSC ) died in his 79 years .As quoted from the Metro , Oetarjo died from complications of a stroke . The...
September 19, 2013ITB Students Achieved Single Champion in National Business Competition
BANDUNG, - One more new achievement, this time a group of ITB Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management students incorporated in Marvel Team has been the overall winner (Grand Winner) at the National Business Case Competition (NBCC) 2013. Competitions were held on Monday-Thursday (16-19/09/13) and followed by 76 teams from ...
September 28, 2013Six Best Students of ITB Were Sent to Japan
BANDUNG, - Six of ITB Best Students from every faculty that had been announced in the Inaugural Ceremony 2013/2014 were flown to Toyohashi, japan. They were assigned to represent ITB for International Student Seminar (ISS) 2013 on Monday-Wednesday (02-11/09/13). With the companion from Dr. Ir. Sandro Mihradi, Dr. Tri Desmana...
September 24, 2013