ITB Doctor's Council- Erna Tri Hardiani
May 25, 2008HIMATEK for Cikapundung
May 26, 2008Student Scientific Writing Competition Winners: Preparation to move on to District(B) Level
May 12, 2008Effective Presentation Strategy: Keep It Simple!
Bandung, The art of presentation is the art of grabbing the audience’s attention and then maintain it. Getting their attention is heavily factorized on first impressions. Video clips, pick-ups, photographs and individual acts are several presentation are among several presentation introductions that are effective. That is what Arry...
May 15, 2008World Lupus Day 2008 : "Care for Lupus, Your Caring Saves Lives"
BANDUNG, Lupus is a disease discovered more than a century ago. In the beginning people thought Lupus was from a wolf bite. This had caused people to then call the disease lupus, which means wolf in Latin. The scientific term for Lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). It is caused due to autoimmune reaction. There are two kinds of...
May 13, 2008Imagine Cup Indonesia 2008: Two ITB Teams Champions in Project Hoshimi
BANDUNG, When Team Nama and MyPlayer Team came out as champions of the Imagine Cup Indonesia 2008, they also participated in the Hoshimi Programming Battle Competition and got through into three championships. The Hoshimi Project Competition is one of the categories in Imagine Cup carried out online. In this competition,...
May 15, 2008Seventh International Conference, Quality and Qualification of English Teachers in Indonesia
BANDUNG - Situated at East Auditorium, ITB’s Language Center cooperated with British Council Indonesia and University of Leeds is having the seventh international conference themed “Competency and Qualification of Educating Workforce the English Teaching Context in Indonesia”. The three day seminar since Tuesday (15/4) was attended...
April 16, 2008ISF : "International Day"
On Saturday (19/4) International Students Forum (ISF) ITB had an activity called “International Day”, took place in East Wing Campus Centre. International Day originally initiated by ISF consist of exhibition and performances aimed to introduce existence of International Students Community in ITB to the public, especially for ITB students. The...
April 21, 2008MoU assignment between ITB and PAI
On Tuesday, April 15 2008 took place in Meeting Room Building A CCAR ITB, was carried out by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between ITB and Association of the Indonesian Actuary (PAI). Both ITB and PAI had agreed to build collaboration in quality improvement and enhancement of actuary human resources that suit in each principal...
April 17, 2008"Better Youth for Better Civilization" Panel Discussion
BANDUNG, Situated in the Multipurpose Building, Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam; Islam Student Family (GAMAIS) ITB had an interactive panel discussion “Better Youths for a Better Civilization” on Saturday (12/4). Pemuda and Olah Raga RI* Minister Dr. Adhyaksa Dault; ITB Chemistry lecturer Dr.M Abdul Kadir; writer of the book “Gue Never...
April 13, 2008