ISF : "International Day"

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

On Saturday (19/4) International Students Forum (ISF) ITB had an activity called “International Day”, took place in East Wing Campus Centre. International Day originally initiated by ISF consist of exhibition and performances aimed to introduce existence of International Students Community in ITB to the public, especially for ITB students. The ceremony was attended by ITB rector and HE ambassador of Czech Republic. Through stands of the exhibition, the foreign student introduced information about the cultural treasury and their tourist attraction of the origin country. Apart from the stand of the exhibition, International Day was also livened up with the dance, the song as well as instrumental music. The forum for the international students ITB that stood since March 2007, aimed at developing communication between the local students and foreign countries, as well as the student’s foreign site to gather and adjust to the ITB environment and Bandung generally. ITB had several foreign students from various countries like Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Malawi, Uganda, Sudan and the Czech Republic. Most were student the Pharmacy School.

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