Dynamics at the Heart of ITB Campus
November 23, 2010Admins are Human (Student), Too
November 25, 2010Aero Expo 2010: Reviving Indonesia's Aeronautics
November 01, 2010Mobile Wireless Routers to Build IT Infrastructure for Emergency Disaster Response
In disaster management, especially in the emergency phases such as evacuation and channeling resources, as detailed in Undang-Undang no. 24 year 2007, there is a need to have real time and accurate information. Using this information, disaster management and monitoring and sending aid can be done quickly, efficiently, and effectively by the...
November 12, 2010Student Art Units : Building Students' Characters
They want to learn acting, meet more friends, and have place to hang out. These are the reasons Hombing, a Voltage Engineering major from the 2006 batch, gave for being an active member and a former chairman of the East Java Art and Culture Unit, or more widely known by the ITB community as Loedroek ITB."I feel that they build my character...
November 12, 2010Public Lecture on Market Research and the Nielsen Challenge: A Competition to Create a Marketing Strategy
The Family of Industrial Engineering Students (MTI), the Laboratorium of Innovation and Development of Company Systems (LIPSP) ITB, and Nielsen Indonesia held a public lecture on Market Research and the Nielsen Challenge Roadshow (Marketing Competition). The studium generale, held on Tuesday (09/10/10) in the IPTEKS Auditorium, East Campus Center,...
November 12, 2010LP4 ITB Holds Workshop on Teaching Innovations and Textbook Writing ITB 2010
Held in the 9311 Multimedia Room Labtek VI, the Organization of Review, Education, Research, and Development of Society (LP4) ITB held an Internal Workshop about Teaching Innovations and Textbook Writing ITB 2010 on Wednesday and Thursday (10-11/11/10). The workshop was specially held for the ITB community who wished to write and assemble...
November 12, 2010The Importance of Extracurricular Activities on Campus
There are many extracurricular activities in ITB campus life. Many theories say that extracurricular activities are a tool to train students' soft skills. Many units were founded to facilitate those needs. There are many other positive things that can be gained from this.Tulus Imaro explained the importance of extracurricular activities during the...
November 12, 2010Guarding Our Borders: Memories from Indonesia's Outer Islands
From their expedition to Indonesia's far-flung islands, the Nusantara Front Line Expedition Team (GDN) brought back living products and non-living products. They brought back documentation of animal species, alternative food sources, and medicinal plants; they also brought knowledge of the rituals and traditions of local people living on...
November 12, 20105th AOTULE: Knowledge Exchange between 11 Universities
BANDUNG, This year, ITB was chosen to host an international event involving eleven states united in the Asia Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE). This year is the fifth annual AOTULE held. The event was held from Monday to Tuesday Novermber 1st-2nd in ITB campus.The nations represented in the event were South Korea,...
November 05, 2010