ITB Student Team Won Runner Up at L'Oreal Brandstorm 2023 Nationals
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - A team of students from Institut Teknologi Bandung won Runner Up at the L'Oréal Brandstorm 2023 nationals in Jakarta, March 29, 2023. Four of the eight teams that made it to the final national stage for Indonesia were from Institut Teknologi Bandung, named Babaturan, e-Xperience, Maya, and Truco.
L'Oréal Brandstorm is an annual competition held by the global cosmetics company L'Oréal. This year, this competition carried the theme Crack the New Codes of Beauty, relating to beauty and technology ranging from AR (Augmented reality), VR (Virtual reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence) Metaverse to Non-Fungible Token (NFT).
Team Babaturan (Babaturan=friendship) consisting of Zabina Chaerunissa (Industrial Engineering Management 2020), Muhammad Fahrian Ihsan (Industrial Engineering 2019), and Vania Alya Qonita (Information System and Technology 2019) achieved Runner Up through their innovation in connecting makeup artists with their customers by integrating AI, AR, and NFTs.
This innovation was motivated by the affected work of makeup artists during the pandemic, where their unemployment rate was quite high and users of makeup artist services were constrained both in terms of time and price. Therefore, team Babaturan created innovations that can connect makeup artists with customers in a scalable form.
Their innovations were AI detectable makeup looks made by the makeup artists. The detected result will be similar to an Instagram filter that users can try. If the user likes the makeup, the selected make-up look can be printed using a special printer and can be put on in the form of a sheet mask. This would of course mean that it can save time in dressing up. In addition, the makeup look made can also be converted into NFT as a form of intellectual property and additional income for the makeup artist who made it.
Through their journey in participating in this competition, there were surely many challenges that they had to face. One of the biggest obstacles was managing the discussion time with each of their quite diverse side-activities in mind. However, this was able to be handled properly because each discussion ran efficiently so as to produce the expected output. Furthermore, each member also understood their own capabilities so that the division of tasks became easier.
Not only during preparation, they also experienced quite challenging obstacles in the finals. "We had 6 slides and these complex innovations, but we had to pitch in just 3 minutes. So, that was the biggest challenge,” Zabina said.
Through this competition, they learnt a lot of knowledge and lessons, one of which is to never give up. "When we do a process, when we want to make something, whatever it is, it's okay to start badly. However, it is the iterative process that is important,” Ihsan explained.
Reporter: Erika Winfellina Sibarani (Mathematics, 2021)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)