ITB Students Achieve Success at the Indonesia Water Infrastructure Competition X Water Day (KBAI X WD) 2025
By Arif Hermawan - Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.

MALANG, – Students from the Water Resources Management Engineering (TPSDA) program at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FCEE), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), achieved outstanding success at the Indonesia Water Infrastructure Competition X Water Day (KBAI X WD) 2025. The competition was organized by the Water Resources Student Association of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) under the theme "Innovative and Sustainable Solutions to Solve the Impact of Sea Level Rise."
In this event, ITB sent several teams that secured prestigious awards:
• 1st Place: Amreta Varuna Team (Daniel Darmawan, Alif Naufal Ramadhan, Ardy Nur Ahmadito)
• 3rd Place: Amreta Vandhya Team (Reivel Fanani, Rehan Al Baasiq, Jason Wilchan Samuel)
• Honorable Mention 1: Amreta Anahita Team (Shifara Shalaysya Sutari Yanto, Dhaifina Nazhifah Azhar, Naila Alfarafisha Zakiyarahman)
This competition challenged students to develop innovative solutions for mitigating the impacts of rising sea levels, which pose risks such as saltwater intrusion, tidal flooding, and coastal erosion.
A total of 37 teams from various universities across Indonesia participated, highlighting the strong enthusiasm and relevance of the issue.
The competition consisted of two stages: a paper selection phase and the final stage. In the first phase, participants submitted full papers, which were reviewed by a panel of judges to select the top five teams for the finals.
During the final stage, the finalists presented their research and innovations in person before the judging panel. They were also required to create a model as a visual representation of their proposed concept. Additionally, the finalists had to produce an animated video illustrating their ideas.
Daniel Darmawan, a member of the Amreta Varuna Team, shared that one of the biggest challenges in the competition was translating ideas into a physical model. "Especially since the model was quite complex and required a significant amount of time to construct," he explained.
The success of ITB’s teams in this competition was made possible by the support and prayers of their families, peers from the Water Resources Student Association, and the guidance of faculty advisors Dr.Eng. Arno Adi Kuntoro, S.T., M.T., and Widyaningtias, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
This achievement further strengthens ITB’s position as an institution contributing to innovation and sustainable water resource management. It is hoped that the ideas developed in this competition can serve as references for future policy-making and the implementation of sustainable infrastructure.
Reporter: Arif Hermawan (Civil Engineering)
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)