ITB Students Create a Bracelet to Detect Missing Child

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Frequent child abduction has prompted students of Institut Teknologi Bandung named Katarina Cynthia Pandji (SBM ‘18), Alya Salsabila (SBM ‘18) and M.Satryo (FTMD ‘17) to make a device called “Lost & Found Bracelet”, a bracelet that can detect the location of a child through a chip planted within. The bracelet is also equipped with a SIM card and Arduino board. The bracelet can be used by children to send signal to their parents’ smartphones and detect the children’s location.

According to Katarina, the device was first created to fulfill the assignment for Leadership and Management Practice (LMP) course subject in School of Business and Management of ITB (SBM-ITB). The course subject teaches critical thinking and how to innovate in solving existing problem in the society.

Another reason that prompted the team to create the bracelet is the analysis of The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) of frequent child abduction reported on mass media.

This Lost & Found Bracelet won the first place in a business competition titled “Social Preneur 3.0 : Make Business Ideas That can Empower Disabilities” held at Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta on 14th March 2019. Katarina said that the competition carried the theme of solving social problems regarding disability, how to create innovation that help disabilities on their activities.

Before being crowned as the winner, they should first compete on the first phase which is proposal selection. From this initial phase, they were chosen as finalists that gave presentation at Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta and competed with other teams from various universities in Indonesia. The competition saw ITB on the first place, followed by Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on the second and third place consecutively.

Reporter: Deo Fernando (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2019)

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