LPPM ITB Won the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prizes for Science and Technology 12th Edition
By Bangkit Dana Setiawan
Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

At the awards handover, LPPM ITB was represented by Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation and also Chairman of LPPM ITB, Prof. Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, MS. In addition, this event was attended also by Prof. Dr. Khairurrijal, MS. as the Secretary of LPPM Community Service Sector. For the achievement, LPPM ITB got prize of 100.000 USD and was expected to increase innovation and contribution of science for development and society.
Yudi Pramadi as the Head of Communication and Information Services of Ministry of Finance also proud of the achievement. "Ministry of Finance will strive to continue and facilitate the tradition to get another prizes to Indonesian youth and best Indonesian Research Institution in the future," Yudi said.
Previously in 2013, Indonesia has also won awards from IDB with female characters, namely Tri Mumpuni, achieve award IDB Prize for Women's Contribution to development. Meanwhile, LPPM ITB as the representative of Indonesia which had achieved the award in this year was a place for academicians ITB to do some researches and community service. LPPM ITB was formed in late 2001 and was combination of ITB Research Institutes which was established in 1959. LPPM ITB is one attempt to address the imbalance between the ability of science and technology in higher education and the exist opportunity in sociey, and also to facilitate the implementation of the tasks of College's Tri Dharma that includes education, research, and community service in balance way.
Overview Profile of IDB Prize Award
IDB is a multilateral development financial institution which has main goal is to reduce poverty for it's member states. One of IDB's effort in poverty reduction is to encourage innovation or creation from individual or research institutes in it's member states. The innovation is expected to provide a positive impact on development and improvement of people's welfare. One of the support for innovation is manifested in the form of awards or IDB Prize and to be handed in the IDB annual session.
IDB Prizes is divided into three categories, such as women contributions to development, science and technology, and economic and islamic finance. IDB Prizes for Science and Technology has been awarded since 2002 as the one of IDB's concern in science and technology field.