Prof. Rokhmin Dahuri Delivered Public Lecture on the Potency of 4.0 Industry-Based Maritime Economy

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Indonesia has massive and complete potency to be a developed, prosperous, and sovereign country. One of the reasons is its total population that placed the 4th biggest in the world and it is predicted that in 2020-2040 it will gain demographic bonus. Indonesia is also rich on natural resources.

This is delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Rokhmin Dahuri, MS., when speaking in Studium Generale public lecture at Aula Barat ITB, on Jalan Ganesha, Bandung, on Wednesday (5/9/2018). In the lecture, this former Ministry of Marine and Fishery of Indonesia 2001-2004 carry the theme “Development of 4.0 Industry-Based Maritime Economy to Create Indonesia as World Maritime Axis”.

Vice Rector of General Administration, Alumni, and Communication of ITB, Dr. Miming Miharja, ST. M.Sc. Eng. opened the public lecture with a remark. He said that the topic of the lecture is the current discussion for all, including in ITB. The carried theme will be very interesting for the students.

In the lecture, Prof. Rokhmin explained that socio-economic situation in Indonesia contain problems of unemployment and poverty, social inequality, infrastructure disparity, malnutrition, low competitiveness and Human Development Index as well as environmental damage.

In his opinion, Indonesia remains behind and unprosperous because of low economic growth, under 7 percent a year, non-qualified workforce, inclusiveness and unsustainability. Primary sectors such as agriculture, forestry, maritime affairs, and mining are mostly done traditionally.

“Secondary sectors such as manufacturing, processing, and packaging also has low productivity, while the access for medium, small, and micro enterprises to capital of production facilities is also minimal,” he said in front of hundreds of ITB students that attend the lecture.

As a solution to those problems, Indonesia has natural resources and maritime wealth. Concerning maritime economy, Prof. Rokhmin said that the potency is massive, about 1.4 trillion rupiah. That is almost one and a half of current economy of Indonesia.

“Second, employment that can be created from a well-managed marine by professionals can absorb 45 million workforce. That means, 40 percent of unemployment can be tackled. That is excluding other positives,”

Third, he continued, industrial revolution 4.0 for maritime economy can raise effectiveness, productivity, profit, and competitiveness. Even more so in this global era where an advanced country is the one that create competitive product.

“Economic growth should not be enjoyed only by a handful of people. That means lower status people should be given the capital, education, and market access, so that profitable modern businesses are managed not only by a handful of people but by all people of Indonesia,” he said. However, he warned that pattern of development should be environmentally friendly by doing well urban planning and waste control.

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