LFM ITB: Capturing the Graduation Moments through Camera
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Graduation along with defile is a unique tradition whom ITB has among other traditions. This glorious activity has become an attraction for surrounding communities, and also become a moment which is always awaited by the graduates and the mass of the campus. Realizing the importance of this moment, Liga Film Mahasiswa (LFM) ITB plays its active role in documenting all graduation ceremony.
Official Documentation for Graduation
For most of the mass of the campus, graduation is considered as a sacred moment. Not all people are allowed to attend the graduation procession itself, which is usually held in the building of Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga). Nonetheless, LFM is one of students' activities unit which is allowed by ITB to attend Sabuga and take part in all the graduation ceremony, and the only official students' activities unit which is trusted to make documentations from graduation's praprocession, procession, until pascaprocesion. The trust, which ITB has given to LFM, is always kept through years by improving work quality and professionalism of LFM crews every graduation.
The documentation is taken not only by taking pictures but also by recording videos. LFM documents the moments from pra-graduation activities, which is from the taking of toga at Annex Building ITB, graduation rehearsal, and until the graduation procession itself. Graduation procession includes shaking hands moments, a moment when the gradate shakes hands with the Rector of ITB and the chairman of their major. LFM also facilitates the graduates from each major to take pictures with the Rector of ITB and the chairman of their major at the end of procession. In addition, besides being an official documentation of ITB's graduation, LFM also offers photo studio facilities for graduates who want to take picture with their family or closed ones which is provided in the Sabuga.
Event's Climax Documentation
Even when the official procession in Sabuga has ended, the graduation activity has not over yet. There is still a defile; following after all official ceremonies from ITB has been ended. Defile becomes the climax of graduation event which is the most awaited by the mass of the campus and the graduates. This activity is a unique tradition which is done by ITB for years, and also special moments for the graduates. LFM actively documents all this defile procession.
The defile itself starts from welcoming the graduates in Sasana Olah Raga (Saraga) ITB by the mass of the student's society of each major, parading the graduates walk through the campus and until shows from each student's society which becomes the end of defile. In this defile, a lot of important moments can be captured by camera. The important moments are the last moments of the graduates in ITB, unique traditions from each student's society, and tribute from the students' society for the graduates. All of these moments are not missed from LFM's camera shots.
After that, the documentation from all the graduation moments is presented in packages which can be ordered by the graduates before the graduation day. LFM offers 2 kinds of packages, which are photo package and video package. For photo package, the graduate who has ordered will have a hardcopy and softcopy of the photos when they were shaking hands with the Rector of ITB and the chairman of their major, and photos when they were taking photos together. Video package offers more complete documentation, which are a photo package and a documentation video from all the graduation ceremony in the form of DVD for addition. The production process of these graduation packages needs time. Therefore, LFM doesn't work alone and partnering with Jonas Photo as a work partner in editing and printing.
Students who are involved in this official ceremony of course gain some benefits. Besides having a chance to work professionally in documenting, students can also improve their soft skill. There are approximately 80 LFM crews who are involved in this documentation team every graduation. To maintain the documentations' quality, LFM crews were trained before working in the field. "Besides improving creativity, by joining this committee, LFM crews are expected to be able to improve our responsibilities and professionalisms," said Ibadurrahman Sidik (Industrial Engineering 2010), the Head of LFM ITB.