ITB’s Role to Ensure Procurement in Industry 4.0
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Industrial Revolution 4.0 has started many trends, one of which is democratization of knowledge and information access. Everyone can easily access information anywhere and anytime. Preparing for those changes, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has opened more than 20 optional concentration programs that go toward the direction of industry 4.0. Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., said that the programs are prepared to update ITB graduates with technology.
“We could not get left behind other nations in this rapid technology changes. If we do not get involved then we will get left behind,” said the rector in National Coordination Meeting for Procurement of Goods and Services in Sabuga ITB on Tuesday (30/10/2018).
The democratization of information access should be supported by solid security system, and Blockchain is one of the future solution in facing that era. The rector explained that ITB has conducted many researches relating to industry 4.0. For example, ITB research team is conducting a research on Blockchain and ITB Jatinangor is now equipped with cyber security laboratory. “In that lab we prepare things about future digital era, including Blockchain,” he said.
This also has to be supported with capable human resources. The rector also explained that the formula to produce future-ready HR is BAC (Behavior, Attitude, and Culture).
Behavior relates to the reaction people show when entering the new system, is it because of the regulation or sanction that haunts when the regulation is not heeded. Attitude relates to the awareness that the new system will bring convenience and raise financial security, hence the person with his full conscience will enter the new system. “If everyone has the same awareness, a culture will emerge. Such as the culture of using ATM,” said the rector.
LKPP’s National Coordination Meeting
Entering the disruption era, phenomena such as internet of things, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence have taken great part in supporting our activities. These things change the paradigm of all government organizations as they transform into resources efficient organization and keep developing innovation to build synergy and collaboration.
Disruption of technology also transforms government organizations by cutting bureaucracy, easing the procedure, and changing the working pattern for more responsive, transparent, and accessible organization in order to create “check and balance”.
The development of information technology has demanded National Public Procurement Agency to formulate the regulation on goods/services procurement through President Regulation Number 16 in 2018 pertaining government’s procurement of goods/services. In the regulation, the procurement is pushed more than ever to give value for money to the result of goods/services procurement and no longer make lowest price as the benchmark of the effectiveness of goods/services.
Therefore, a National Coordination Meeting for Procurement of Goods and Services was held in Bandung on 30-31 October 2018. The agenda aims to deliver the vision, policy, innovation, suggestion for discussion and mobilizing greater power to change paradigm about government’s procurement of goods and services that come from all ministries, institutes, and local governments.
Chairman of LKPP, Agus Prabowo said that one of the policy for bureaucracy reform in government’s procurement of goods/services is procurement process that utilize information technology through electronic procurement system application that covers from planning to electronic catalog.
Electronic procurement system is expected to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in government’s procurement of goods and services process and minimalize corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
In the event, LKPP presented several awards to procurement units. Vice Rector of Finance, Planning and Development of ITB, Prof. Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, MS., received an award for Procurement Center of Excellence 2018.