ITB Hosted International Joint Conference 2019
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan, Malaysia held an International Joint Conference 2019 at Aula Timur of ITB. ITB was appointed as the host of the event.
IJC 2019 combines two main conferences namely the International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2019) and the International Conference on Governance, Management and Social Innovation (ICGMSI2019) with various abstracts sent from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.
Papers received discuss variety of topics including Pure and Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Statistics Education, Big Data Analytics, Computational Science, Corporate Governance, Islamic Accounting, Marketing, Halal Management, Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.
Previously, the first IJC was initiated by four educational institutions namely Kasetsart University, Thailand, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia and the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Philippines. At the event, the collaboration of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippine educational institutions acted as a medium to gather researchers and academics under the same roof to exchange, share and disseminate ideas that were parallel with the theme “Imagining a Common Future”.
*Source: PR of SBM ITB