SRE ITB Installs Off Grid PLTS and New Renewable Energy Education at SDN Majakerta 01 Bandung Regency
By M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.
BANDUNG, - The Community Development and Campaign Team from the Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held "SREKOLAH X SRE PV PROJECT" at SDN Majakerta 01 Bandung Regency.
This activity is one of the community services at SRE ITB, in the form of a 2.35 KWP Off Grid Solar Power Plant (SPP) installation program, as well as education about new-and-renewable energy in the school.
This activity is in collaboration with the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) ITB and the students at SDN Majakerta 01 Bandung Regency.
A total of 86 students from grades 4, 5, and 6 participated in this activity. It is hoped that this will give a positive impact on human resource development and raise awareness of the importance of new-and-renewable energy in the school environment.
The main objective of this activity is to implement knowledge of SRE ITB through direct practice of installing Off Grid SPP. Apart from that, this activity is a contribution to achieve the vision of Indonesia 2045, especially in developing human resources and mastery of science and technology.
Divided in two teams, the activities were held separately on 25-26 November 2023. The Community Development Team focuses on SPP installation on the first day, starting from initial preparation to system verification and testing. On the second day, an evaluation of the results of the installation and basic training for school officers was carried out.
Meanwhile, the Campaign Team started the activity with a briefing and exposure to new renewable energy in accordance with the school curriculum. To keep the interactive spirit, there are question and answer sessions, story sharing, and games that are both entertaining and educational. The activity ended with the distribution of maintenance and troubleshooting guides for Off Grid SPP.
By involving students at SDN Majakerta 01 Bandung Regency, this activity aims to make a positive contribution in increasing understanding and awareness of the importance of new-and-renewable energy in the future. SREKOLAH X SRE PV PROJECT is hoped to be an initial milestone for further efforts in developing renewable energy sources in the Bandung Regency area.
Director of Community Development at SRE ITB, Rafi Rabbani Firdaus (Electrical Power Engineering, 2021) said, "This project is not just about the solar panels we install or the systems we integrate, but rather about igniting the fire of change and innovation in the community."
Ica, a 5th grade student at SDN Majakerta 1 Bandung Regency, expressed her enthusiasm as one of the participants in this activity.
“I was really curious to learn more about solar energy and wanted to explore other ways to help the environment. I feel like I want to be like those brothers, who can create magical things using the power of the sun. They are like heroes for me and my friends at school. Thank you very much for coming to our school," she said.
Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology 2021)
Editor: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering, 2019)