Ricky Aditiya Fandi: Development of Gas Lift Method for Old Oil Wells

Oleh Fatimah Larassati

Editor Fatimah Larassati

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - As time goes by, world's demand for oil will inevitably increase despite its gradual decrease at production. Therefore, an effective and efficient technology to produce crude oil is very essential to this country to maintain energy availability and to support this country's main goal of reaching energy independence. For that reason, Society of Petroleum Engineers ITB Student Chapter (SPE ITB SC) held the annual event of IPWeek 2016 themed "Integrating the Connections". This event was held from Thursday until Saturday (25-27/02/16) which consisted of many agendas and competitions for students from various universities in Southeast Asia. One of the winners in this IPWeek 2016 Paper Competition was Ricky Aditiya Fandi, a student of Petroleum Engineering ITB 2012. He took the third place with his paper entitled "A Simple Effective Efficient Analytical Model for Multiwell Gas Lift Allocation Optimization".

Effective Method of Oil Production

Ricky's paper discussed a new breakthrough to produce crude oil's heavy components in a well-used reservoir. The reservoir produced significant pressure drop so that the crude oil could not be lifted to the surface naturally. He developed an analytical method to model the optimum amount of gas in order to yield maximum amount of crude oil's heavy components. The model he developed was based on the field data of an oil company in Indonesia.
The theme that he discussed was based on his interest in the Artificial Lift course at Petroleum Engineering ITB. His road to success was not always smooth. At first, the model was not suitable with the initial hypothesis. However, with great effort and endless trials, he finally came up with the suitable method that worked on the data that he collected. The success certainly was not all done by himself but through the supportive help of everyone around him, especially his lecturer, Silvya Dewi Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., who always helped him when he was having difficulties.

An Activist and Competition Enthusiast

Ricky, a student from 1 Glagah Senior High School, has been fond of physics since high school. His love for physics was proven when he won the absolute winner title in the Physics National Science Olympiad in 2011. His passion for competition continued to grow until college. He has won several competitions, such as 1st place for essay competition in Universitas Indonesia 2014, 1st place for paper competition in Oil Expo Universitas Trisakti 2015, 1st place for paper competition in Petroweek Universitas Trisakti 2015, and 1st place for paper competition in Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia 2015. His peak achievement was when he was awarded Ganesha Karsa prize by ITB at the year of 2015. In addition to working in the academic field, the man who was born on April 12th 1994 is also an active member at Petroleum Engineering Association of Indonesia (IATMI) Section ITB (IATMI SM ITB). Additionally, he was the chief of the Profession Department at IATMI SM ITB during 2015-2016 period. He is also an active member at Banyuwangi Cultural Unit (UKAWANGI) ITB. He planned to immediately apply his knowledge and working experience in petroleum industry after graduation. Ricky, who is currently in his final year, is currently joining an internship program at a petroleum company in Jakarta.

Ricky hoped that his research can be continuously developed and improved so that it can be applied in real cases of oil reservoirs in Indonesia. In the future, he hoped that his model can be taught to petroleum engineering students since the accuracy of his method is quite high. He also wished that in the future, there will be new generations in Indonesia that will discover more sophisticated methods in petroleum engineering field. "Gain one thing that can differ you from anyone else. Develop your positive jealousy to another people's success, and push yourself to achieve more things in life," Ricky said as he ended the interview.  

ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016
Irfaan Taufiqul Rayadi (Chemical Engineering 2013)

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