SBM ITB Student Show Riveting Performances Applying Their Courses

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG , - A very stunning appearance was represented by the student from School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB in 'Opera and Drama Inspired by SBM for Education and Charity' ( ODDISEY ) for four consecutive days on Friday - Monday (28-31/04/14)  in Taman Budaya Jawa Barat. ODDISEY is an annual event since 2005 as a project of the course 'Practical Management and Leadership' at SBM ITB .
In that course,  students are required to make the event as a medium for knowledge management practice by organizing a series of activities at the same time addressing the real obstacles and risks . As the name implies , the advantage of this event will be donated to charity .

" We hope with the learning process of the conflicts that exist in the organization of this event is expected to increase the sensitivity so that the students are always motivated to become influential person in society , " said Prof. Togar M. Simatupang ODDISEY 2014 on his welcoming speech at the third day .

In 2014, ODDISEY featured two performances of opera and drama with the theme of the two figures in Greek mythology , namely Hercules and Medusa . Hercules is shown first on Friday - Saturday (28-29/04/14) which tells the life of Hercules as the demigod who falls in love with his own stepmother and fight against the forces of evil that want to seize Olympus . Later in the third and fourth days tells Medusa who seeks to avenge him in humans .

Greek mythology is interpreted in 3 shows the number of Body Performance , Romance Fantasy , and Mimesis Show. Both performances were sung very slick and attractively . Not only their management which managed well, but also lighting,choreography and storyline presented in a professional manner by all the players who are all students from SBM ITB . At the end of the show the audience was asked to give a value for the event as the basis of assessment courses Practical Management and Leadership .

Here are some of the documentation for staging ODDISEY 2014 took place .

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