Students Entrepreneurship Program 2012: Nurturing The Entrepreneur Mentality

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - To nurture the entreprenurial spirit, ITB Student Services Office again held the Students Entrepreneurship Program (PMW 2012). A socialization event for the annual program was held at Ruang Seminar GKU Timur on lalala. "The aim of the socialization is to explain the procedures as well as the terms an conditions to participate in the program." Said the Director of ITB

Career Center, Dr. Eng. Bambang Setia Budi, S.T., M.T.. Bambang explained a few rules that changed from last year's program; among them, participants must have finished two semesters of their study by June 2012, and participants are expected to graduate after April 2013. To complete the administrative requirements, participants are required to write an essay, expounding their motivation in establishing a business." Bambang added. Bambang also explained the technicalities regarding the proposal during the socialization and the program's agenda. One of the judging criteria is the usage of technology, science, and art in the proposed business plan. Creativity and financial feasibility will also be weighed.

Nurturing The Entrepreneurial Spirit

PMW, funded by DIPA DIKTI, has a number of objectives, but the main objective is to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit among students, according to Bambang. Besides that, the program is aimed to increase the number of new, intellectual entrepreneurs with a strong base in science, technology, and art. For those who passed the selection, there will be six sessions of coaching given to them. The coaching will take form in lecture, monitoring, and assistance in running the business.

A bit different from last year, the results of this year's program will be displayed in ITB Integrated Career Days event on Entrepreneur's booth.

Further information regarding the program can be obtained from OTB Career Center.

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