Studium Generale: Smart Media Can Educate The Public

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, On Saturday (11/04/15) Studium Generale held a public lecture entitled 'Media Smart, Smart mediated'. Lectures were held at the West Hall was consistent with program Mang Ohle Goes To Campus and filled by the speaker of the common daily Mind. Speakers include Islaminur Pempasa (Chief Editor of Mind), Rahim Fun (Managing Editor Daily Mind), H. Wan Abbas (Director PRFM), Ag Tri Joko Her Riadi and Zaky Yamani (Journalist Achievement Harlan). Also present were Prime Alam (Director of Harlan) and Prof. Dr Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA (Rector of ITB). In addition to giving knowledge about the world of mass media and journalism, also held training for students of journalism and photography at the ITB East CC Auditorium on the same day.
The media become an important pillar of community life. Society and the media need to be equally smart because interplay. Smart media makes people become intelligent, and vice versa. For Prime Alam, the media as a means to bring forth new ideas and thoughts. "Media was the birthplace of ideas and thoughts that can bring this nation to grow big," he said. So also expressed by Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi, thoughts and ideas that need to be published so that the ideas can be known lecturers and students of the community. According Kadarsah, In this ITB need to work together with the wider community and the media, to its goal of becoming an entrepreneurial university that solve the problems of society can be realized.

The theme of media intelligence and smart media lifted see the digital age that erodes the confidence level of a medium. "If the media is not clear, the community also be unclear," said Islaminur. For him, the community needs to have a good-quality media. Onslaught of the digital age was increasingly heavy hoped not to mislead the public. Some ways are delivered Islaminur to trust a news among other sources completeness, data and facts were displayed, as well as the credibility of the media makers.

Print media, despite competing with digital media, as long as it was still used as a source of reliable information. Regarding the partisan media that now spreads, for Islaminur, less able to educate the public. He revealed that the public will be intelligent if given the alternative information. While partisan media only provide one point of view.

News Should Give Knowledge

Zaky Yamani, see the tradition of reading which was in the community have been different. People were more likely to read short passages. According to him, the reader must filter out the required information and confirm the truth. It was also an input for journalists and should have provision more in finding and providing information. One reporter Mind, Joko, said that for the intelligent of media, should be able to choose the news that will be consumed.

Responding to the topic of intelligent media, Joko highlights the condition of the digital media news writing only with sufficiently deep or less. Depth news thought to enhance and deepen knowledge of the reader. In addition to knowledge, Joko usually write to give a value to the public through the news. Through a comprehensive article, the reader will get a lesson that has value. An example is his Adinegoro Award winning 'Questioning the Education Budget 20 Percent'. So also expressed Zaky, "By reading, you will be rich materially, spiritually, and intellectually,".

They hope people can be independent and gain experience and new knowledge through intelligent media. He also advised the students, "Students should build idealism one through a lot of reading, because the reading will be more sensitive to the environment and can respond to the issue," he concluded.

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