T-files ITB Won Business Proposal SOI Asia Competition 2009
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Acquisition value of T-files team far enough with the other finalists. IConference team from the University of Science Malaysia, at runner-up position, that brought the concept of video conference system that allows distance meeting with facilitiy of data communications, audio and video got the value of 40.93/65 (63%). The third position is Institute of Engineering, TU, Nepal with the value of 39.71/65 (61%). Meanwhile, Keio University, Japan, placing the representatives in the fourth position with the acquisition number of 38.19/65 (59%).
SOI Asia business online competition, by SOI Asia Business Platform LLP, became a place for potential in the same areas in order to prepare a quality business proposal, in accordance with the criteria required to obtain funding. This Competition intended to encourage the development of entrepreneurial students, researchers and graduate university institution partners SOI Asia. That so written in the official website SOI.
The judges team in the competition consists of professional and academic with background of Technology IT expert, Management, Copyright, Accounting and Finance. Indonesia sent two out of eighteen judges, namely Aulia Khusnul Arif - CNRG's Entrepreneur, ITB and Dr.Taufik Abidin Fuadi from UNSYIAH, Aceh.
The competition mechanism involvement is that participants submit a business proposal in English through the Internet. The team whose proposal passes the first stage were given ten minutes to present their work. Determination based on the top ten of the assessment criteria grouped in four categories namely Entrepreneurship evaluation, business model evaluation, finance plan, and the extra point. SOI business contest proposal that give award the "latest mobile personal computer" is a SOI Asia annual event that established since 2007. According to SOI, the quality of business proposals of the participants this time is better than previous years.