With Cervical Cancer Detector, ITB Student Won First Place in Kino Youth Innovator Award 2018

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Hibar Syahrul Gafur, a student from Engineering Management of ITB, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) of ITB won the first place in Kino Youth Innovator Award (KYIA) 2018. The event is a competition to appreciate youth generation for their innovative idea.

In this competition, youth, especially undergraduate students are encouraged to create creative innovation. This year, competition by PT. Kino Indonesia Tbk. Was held on 28th-31st August 2018.

This year’s KYIA carried the theme “Empower Life through Nature: Leveraging Indonesian Natural Resources for Sustainable Development in Harmonious with Current Trend". In its third year, KYIA 2018 began with roadshow to 20 universities in Indonesia and also select 10 out of 327 proposals to advance to the final.

Hibar, the winner, said that the innovative product he compete in the competition is named Her Pads. Her Pads is an innovative product in health, which is a menstrual pad that can detect cervical cancer. Hibar himself has conducted the research for 3 months in order to develop his innovative product.

He added that Her Pads is inspired by the experience of his mother who is a cervical cancer survivor. Seeing his mother’s fight against cervical cancer, Hibar wants the innovation to be an early detector for cervical cancer so that patients can get earlier treatment. He also hopes that the product can be used by wider patients in the future.

“With works I create, I want to help people, including with this Her Pads,” said Hibar, the younger of two siblings.

KYIA 2018 selection that admirer of Steve Jobs has to face was not easy even though in order to reach the final, there is only a proposal selection. On the final phase, the Defense Challenge, Hibar had to present and defend his innovative idea in front of expert jury.

It is interesting that, in the final, Hibar is the youngest participant because he is only a sophomore, while other competitors are mostly students in their final year. Hibar also had to learn about health, especially cancer, from the basic because it is not his study scope in the campus.

Her Pads is not the first innovation by Hibar. Previously he developed electric shoes that prevent sexual harassment. With that innovation, Hibar received gold medal for Safety and Health category in Internasional Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI) 2013 in Malaysia. For his achievement, Hibar also received Bela Negara appreciation from Ministry of Defense in 2014 and became the youngest to receive one.

“Do not be afraid to be different. We all have potentials. We should not see everything from complicated point of view, do not make it harder. Last, do not be afraid to innovate, because even a small idea can turn to big thing,” Hibar said.

Reporter: Rosa Aldita

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