School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development

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General Information and History

The School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development was established on 29 August 2005 by a decree from Rector of ITB (No. 222/2005) which intends to re-organize academic units of ITB, adding the total numbers of faculty/school from 7 (seven) to 11 (eleven). However, the constituents of the school are not new, as it draws all academic programs and resources from 2 (two) existing departments (namely: Architecture, Regional and City Planning) previously under the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, and 2 (two) existing academic programs (namely: Development Studies, Transportation) previously under the Faculty of Industrial Engineering.The newly established school began to operate as an academic implementation unit responsible for education, research and community service activities starting from 1 January 2006, administering 12 (twelve) academic programs ranging from undergraduate to doctoral program, 9 (eight) research divisions, 103 (one hundred three) faculty members, 58 (fifty eight) supporting staffs (by June 18, 2014), and around 1443 undergraduate and graduate students (by December 2013).

In line with the Statute of ITB, the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development is entrusted with a task to nurture and develop scientific knowledge, conducive academic culture and community, and worldwide networks and initiatives.