Message from the Rector

Speech by the Rector on ITB’s 66th Anniversary

Speech by the Rector on ITB’s 66th Anniversary

Today's ITB is the result of a step-by-step development, having gone through a long historical journey since its establishment as Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng in 1920, then as Bandung Kogyo Daigaku, the Faculty of Engineering of Gadjah Mada University, Universiteit van Indonesie, and ultimately, the Bandung Institute of Technology. ITB’s long journey is also an integral part of Indonesia’s national development. Today, on its 66th anniversary since President Soekarno officially named it the Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB must remain consistent in contributing its best works and thoughts to Indonesia.


ITB: Leading the Charge in Scientific Research and Innovation in Indonesia

ITB: Leading the Charge in Scientific Research and Innovation in Indonesia

Bandung, - In a bid to strengthen its academic and scientific standing in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has achieved top-tier recognition in scientific reputation based on SCIVAL and SINTA data. This accomplishment is supported by ITB's high scores in "Top Tier (Q1) Publications/Faculty" and the highest number of citations per faculty member, demonstrating the excellence and impact of the research conducted at the institution.


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