Terra ITB Recommend CCS technology as the Global Warming Solutions
February 10, 2015Young Journalist Summit 2015 Reply Anxiety Indonesian Nation
February 09, 2015Fundraising For Community Development, MTI ITB Held INDEED 2015
February 05, 2015Katsuhiro Nakamura Give Public Lecture About Nanoscience
BANDUNG, - On Tuesday (03.02.14), the Scientific Committee future Home Forum Professor of ITB held a public lecture by Katsuhiro Nakamura filled. He is a Professor of the Faculty of Physiscs, National University of Uzbekistan as well Emeritus Professor of Osaka University, Japan. Public lecture was attended by professors, lecturers, and...
February 06, 2015Short Class Migas: Enrich the Insight of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Era
BANDUNG, - A public discussion was held on Saturday (31/05/15) about oiland gas located in Room 9232 East GKU. The discussion entitled 'Short Class Migas' was held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) KM-ITB and its partner Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Perminyakan 'PATRA' (HMTM) ITB. More than 200 students joined the...
February 03, 2015IJA 2015, ITB News Office Ready to Recruit New Reporters
BANDUNG, - ITB News Office re-open a recruitment for news reporters this year. On Saturday (31/01/15), ITB News Office held an information session about the recruitment process , or better known as the ITB Journalist Apprentice (IJA) 2015. Nida Nurul Huda (Forestry Engineering 2012), as the Project Manager described the profile ITB...
February 01, 2015IATMI SM ITB Held Public Lecture to Face AEC
BANDUNG, - The Association of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers - Student Section of Bandung Institute of Technology (IATMI SM ITB) held a public lecture in the event of IATMI Youth Energy Challenge 2015. The public lecture was held in East Hall ITB Ganesha on Saturday (31/01/15). The event was attended by ITB students who are in Studium...
February 01, 2015ITB and Foreign Researchers Will Work Together to Cure Citarum River
BANDUNG, - Took place in Gedung Sate, Bandung, some foreign researchers from Germany, Netherland, and Tanzania explained their purpose to help to solve the environmental problems in Citarum River. The researchers work together with Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) through the department of Environmental Engineering. In the same...
February 01, 2015ITB Officially Inaugurated Five Vice Rectors for 2015-2020
BANDUNG, - On Friday (30/01/15) held the official inauguration of ITB for 2015-2020 periods. In this event, five vice rectors had been inaugurated officially through the decree of rector after reading the pledge. They are Prof. Ir. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D, Prof. Dr.Irawati, MS, Prof. Dr. wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, MS, Prof....
January 30, 2015PSM ITB will Hold ITB Choir Festival and ITB International Choir Competition 2015
BANDUNG, Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) or Students Choir Group ITB will hold ITB Choir Festival (ICF) and 2nd ITB International Choir Competition (IICC) on 27/01-01/02/15. This year's ICF is the 24th choir festival and will be held altogether with an international student choir competition, IICC. The events that will be held in...
January 22, 2015