Story Towards Firefighting Robot Contest Winner
BANDUNG, - Recent days ago, Indonesia succeeded to win a smart robot competitions in United Stated. Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Competition (TCFFHRC) is an annual robot competition held at Trinity College, Connecticut, USA. This year, ITB sent two teams in the legged robot and wheeled robot category. Both teams of legged...
May 01, 2012Food Innovation Initiation in Food Product Development Course
BANDUNG, -- Food Product Development course from ITB's Chemical Engineering study program held a Food Product Exhibition on Friday (04/05/12) in Labtek X ITB. This exhibition presented food products created by the students as a final project from the course, guided by Dr. Yazid Bindar. There were food products nowhere else to be found,...
May 05, 2012Unilever's Public Lecture, Stimulus for Sustainable Living Plan Business
BANDUNG, - Again, ITB through Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management collaborate with PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. held a public lecture on Thursday (03/05/12) in Aula Barat ITB. The Vice President Human Resources of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., Enny Sampurno, was presented as the main speaker. This public lecture was attended by...
May 05, 2012SLAP: Concern of First Year Students to the Communities
BANDUNG, - TPB (Tahap Persiapan Bersama/ First Year Students) in ITB held SLAP (Sembako Gelap) on Sunday (20/05/12) as a form of ITB students concern to the communities. Location chose by the participants is RW 07 Taman Hewan, a close location with the ITB campus.SLAP is an action initiated by the student community TPB 2011, ITB Peduli....
May 24, 2012SaturdayLesson, Preparation to The Career World
BANDUNG, - As part of ITB Integrated Career Days 2012 hold on Friday-Sunday (25-27/05/12), ITB Career Center in collaboration with the Student Affairs held 'SaturdayLesson' on Saturday (19/05/12). The session discussed about the preparation and introduction about the career world to the students and the alumni in attendance.The first...
May 20, 2012EAGE Student Lecture Tour Asia Pacific 2012
BANDUNG, - As its annual agenda, EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) held a guest lecture at ITB on Wednesday (02/05/12). The event titled "Seismic Imaging Fundamentals with Asia Pacific Case Studies" was held in Hilmi Panigoro room, Geological Engineering Major. ITB has the chance to become the first...
May 04, 2012Tel-IP 2012: Telecommunication Engineering Public Lectures Present Industry Practitioners
BANDUNG, - In response to the ever-expanding and fast-growing telecommunication technology, Telecommunication Engineering Scientific and Research Group of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB (STEI-ITB) held Telecom and Internet Professional (TEL-IP) Lectures Week. The event is a series of lectures in telecommunication...
April 01, 2012