ITB Established Shelters and Trauma Healing Assistance for West Sulawesi Earthquake
WEST SULAWESI, - Bandung Institute of Technology dispatched a second team to West Sulawesi (Sulbar) for earthquake response activities in West Sulawesi for trauma healing assistance and refugee shelters on Thursday (28/1/2021). The second team consisted of two FSRD lecturers, namely Ardhana Riswarie, MA., AThR, and Patriot Mukmin, M.Sn....
January 29, 2021Rumah Tumbuh: A Shelter of Diversity in Bandung
BANDUNG, - Iman Soleh, the founding theater artist of the Celah-Celah Langit (CCL) Community, is invited as a speaker for Studium Generale ITB on Wednesday (27/01/2021). In this public lecture, Kang Iman described growing houses as the empowerment of Bandung people in the arts. ...
January 29, 2021Center of Excellence on Carbon Capture Storage and Carbon Capture, Utility and Storage, ITB's Real Steps in Decarbonization Efforts
BANDUNG, - Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah Ph.D., Rector of ITB, conveyed the ITB's determination and seriousness to assist the government's plans for renewable energy. Prof. Reini was a panelist at the 2021 Media Group News Summit, themed green and clean energy, on Thursday (28/1/2021). ...
January 29, 2021Vent-I, the Local-Made COVID-19 Fighter
BANDUNG, - ITB held Studium Generale KU 4078 on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, presented the Chief of Indonesian Portable Ventilator Team (Vent-I), Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat. In this lecture, Syarif discussed Vent-I, an original ventilator made in Indonesia to save people with COVID-19. Vent-I was born by the collaboration between the...
January 28, 2021Webinar ITB IA: Health Resilience for National Resilience
BANDUNG, - The Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Association (IA ITB) held a virtual webinar about health resilience for national resilience on Saturday (16/01/2021). ...
January 28, 2021Teams from ITB Successfully Won the 2020 GEMASTIK Competition
BANDUNG, - The National Student Performance in the field of Information and Communication Technology or GEMASTIK XII 2020 is an annual competition held by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia which was held online,...
December 02, 2020Afriyanti Sumboja, The Lecturer at FTMD ITB, Won the 2020 LIPI Young Scientist Awards
BANDUNG, - Afriyanti Sumboja, PhD, a lecturer and researcher at the Material Science and Engineering Expertise Group, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB won the LIPI Young Scientist Awards (LYSA) 2020. The award was granted by the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BRIN, Bambang Brodjonegoro on Thursday...
December 01, 2020