ITB Geothermal Workshop: Investing in Human Resources Development for A Clean Energy Source

During the press conference on ITB Geothermal Workshop program, Director of Pertamina Geothermal Energy Slamet Riyadi and Director of Star Energy Geothermal Sanusi Satar shared information regarding the development of geothermal industry in Indonesia. The event was held on Tuesday (06/03/12) with Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D, Manager of ITB...

March 10, 2012

Anjar Dimara Sakti Elected the New President of KM ITB

BANDUNG, - After three days of voting utilizing e-voting technology, the newly elected president of ITB Student Executive Body (KM ITB) is announced on Friday (09/03/12) in the presence of ITB Student Congress and representatives from each candidates' promoters.Anjar Dimara Sakti, candidate with the code C won 2640 votes, while...

March 10, 2012

PLN Chief Executive Public Lecture on Electrical Power

BANDUNG, - ITB's Electrical Power Engineering program held a public lecture on Friday (16/03/12) with Nur Pamudji, chief executive of PLN, as the speaker. With the theme of "The Development and Future Challenges of Electrical Power," students from undergraduate as well as graduate and doctorate programs from different...

March 18, 2012

Public Lecture by the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reforms in ITB

BANDUNG, - As part of the public lecture series in ITB, ITB Students Affairs Office andof Education ITB invited  Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reforms, Azwar Abubakar, on Saturday (17/03/12) in ITB's West Hall under the theme of "Indonesia's Bureaucatic Reforms." Prof Ahmaloka, resident of ITB,...

March 19, 2012

Public Lecture: Technology As A Tool for State Enterprises to Achieve World Class Excellence

BANDUNG, - After a public lecture by the Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic reforms, another public lecture was delivered by another Indonesia's influential figures in the same day. Minister of State Enterprises, Dahlan Iskan, presented a lecture titled "State Enterprises On The Road To Become World Class...

March 19, 2012

Bamboo Shelter Project: An Aesthetic and Safe Residential Concept

BANDUNG, -- A guest lecturer from Product Design ITB, Prof. Bando Takaaki from Musashino Art University, Japan, released structure super project, Bamboo Shelter Project which can be saw Monday to Thursday (19-22/03/12) in East Campus Center field ITB. The final result is a huge bamboo structure with minimal matter,but endure to...

March 20, 2012

ITB Delegation Awarded Honorable Mention in HNMUN 2012

BANDUNG, - This year ITB participated again for the seventh time at the prestigious event, Harvard Model United Nation (HNMUN) 2012. This time, two delegation from ITB, successfully awarded the Honorable Mention award on behalf of Andhika Nugraha (Informatics 2010) and Hendra (Chemical Engineering 2008). The conference took place at the...

March 03, 2012