50 Years of ITB: Knowing the Presidential Systems in Today's Dialogue

BANDUNG, itb. ac.id - Presidential system of the government in Indonesia, in the fact that it is running parliamentary because of political parties coalition  in the House of Representatives (DPR). This is a topic in Today's Dialogue held at Sasana Budaya Ganesa, Friday (06/03/09). This event was established because of cooperation between the...

March 08, 2009

ITB Won Two Awards at the Processors Design Competition in Japan

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Ganesha ANT Team successfully achieved the highest award from the Japan Society of Information and Communication, IEICE, at the chip design competition : LSI-Design Contest 2009. Ganesha ANT, which members are students of STEI ITB: Tyson, Aisar L. Romas, and R. Siti Intan, successfully set aside a finalist from the famous...

March 20, 2009

Workshop "Providing Sustainable Water Resources"

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Global COE Program University of Kyoto, Japan, Brawijaya University, Malang, along with the Architecture School of Planning and Development Policy ITB on Friday (20/03/09) conducted a Workshop Management System Water Supply themed "Overview and Perspective of Water Supply Management System Assessment and Social Capital....

March 23, 2009

Two SBM ITB Teams pass National Final Brandstorm L'oreal

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Two teams from the School of Business and Management ITB pass to the fourth big series of national final L'oreal Brandstorm. The two teams, Team Odyssey (Amal, IFAD, and sapphire) and the Ganesha Team(Frank, Arini, and ditto), will compete with teams from the University of Indonesia and Prasetya Mulya Business School. The...

March 24, 2009

Ganesa Harmonic 2009: Photography Exhibition of Streets Musicia

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Ministry of Culture and Arts of Student Government (KM) ITB in order to celebrate 50 Years of ITB, holding an event called Ganesa Harmonic to arouse students to be more apreciate to the street musicians with the Competition of the Streets Musician Photography titled ''Appreciate their sweat and tears for their music life'',...

March 26, 2009

50 Years of ITB: Visual Arts Creativity Corner

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Science, technology and art (ipteks) exhibition celebrating 50 Years of ITB, held on 2-7 March 2009 at the ITB campus. A line from the main gate to the Plaza Ganesha Widya, there are various kinds of exhibition stand, from the food stands, handicrafts, industrial products, to other products of creativity. One of the stand that...

March 04, 2009

Software vaganza 2009

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id-Informatics Engineering Study Program (IF), Friday (13/02/09), holding Vaganza Software 2009 as a means of introducing the IF, and displaying best works of IF student. "This event was intended especially for students of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) 2008 as introduction to IF," said David, the...

February 13, 2009