ITB Broke MURI Record in the '7 Habits for New College Students' Training

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

ITB, in collaboration with Dunamis Foundation, has successfully broken the MURI (Museum Rekor Indonesia, Indonesian Record Museum) record in the category "Training New Students with the most number of Facilitators, parallel with 135 facilitators in 67 Classes" by holding this event the record was successfully recorded on Thursday (08.04.11) in ITB Campus.
With the purpose of equipping the new students to fully comprehend the ITB values as the alma mater and developing the potential to build the character, The 7 Habits for New College Students is presented to 3199 New Students of ITB.

"Training like this has been presented to the new students since a few years ago" stated the Head of TPB (new students preparatory stage-red),Ahmad Nuruddin.

The difference with last year, this year training was presented institutionally and it wasn't held separately to the course. Ahmad explained that for the content, theme for this training was always adjusted to the condition of the new students. "For this year, training was held twice with the theme of motivation" added Ahmad.

"This training became enormous because it involved all new students and dozens facilitators. But what the most important is, if this event in the end would create continuous impact and shape the mindset of ITB students to reflect their identity as the best students of the nation" closed Ahmad

Character Development to Strong Leadership

The 7 Habits for New College Students Training is a Character Development Program for Strong Leadership based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey. Through this training, the new students are taught to be independent or Self-Mastery as defined in the habit number 1-3 in The 7 Habits.

These Seven Habits are :
(1)Be Proactive, teach the students to take responsibility for their choices and the subsequent consequences that follow
(2) Begin with the End in Mind, to self-discover and clarify their deeply important character values and life goals.
(3)Put First Things First, plan prioritize and execute the task based on importance
(4)Think Win-Win, genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions with others
(5)Seek First to be Understand, Then to be Understood, to use empathetic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person
(6)Synergize, to combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork
(7)Sharpen the Saw, to balance and renew their resources, energy and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle  

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