SSDK 2008 : Balancing Life in College

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, - Saturday (16/8) ITB new students, dressing in white-grey uniform, make a move in line of two rows go to the college room in ITB. Natty and orderly line enter the class not for the agenda of lecturing but new student will follow one chain of acceptance process which is called Strategi Sukses di Kampus or referred to SSDK. This SSDK 2008 is the fifth times in row since similar event become routine as shares acceptance of new student in ITB since 2003, executed at a time for around 3000 young graduate students. According to Director of Education Directorate ITB Dr. Ir. Ichsan Setya Putra, Strategi Sukses di Kampus is important to give sprinkling to new student ITB so that they can more owning well-balanced life in campus. It is long supposed that most students who having problem in college tend to have unfavorable social life. On that account, through this event Dr. Ichsan expect the new student later will be more motivate in learning and have desire to develop their social relation. SSDK that goes on 4 hour, from at 13.00 till 17.00, give overview of the items in same titled book which compiled by Dr. Ichsan when he was still take hold as Head of Aeronautical Study Program. Forwarding SSDK, said Dr. Ichsan, to guarantee that the book shall to student. Expected, after following SSDK student become more enthusiastic to read and apply what available in the book. Globally, the items given in SSDK 2008 are divided into four chapters. First was recognition of ITB campus environment. In this chapter trainer invite the participant to find their reason having college for formulating their purpose of what will be reached. The sessions also examine some opportunities in college such as transfer of student, student organization, seminar, internship program, so lecturer project. In this session, trainer, who used ITB student, shares their experience in exploiting those opportunities. Second chapter called “building aspiration”, participant instructed to dare to start write their dream during in ITB as well as their ideal aspiration in life. The thirds, assess and aspiration, reveal relation between moral values with achieving aspiration. It emphasizes the participant to get successfulness righteously and not solely pursue the end result but by allowing all ways. For example to get the good value should not with cheat. Afterwards are about faith and time management. Faith as believed system will eventually influence our way of thinking, way of acting, way of feeling which is finally determine the quality of our live. Time management, meanwhile, is important to take action regularly and directional. In the last session participant squeezed to dare describing aspiration which have been made before into concrete real action, stages toward action. No action nothing happen, when you take action miracle happen.

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