Brain Computing: Brain Waves Application in Biomedical Engineering
BANDUNG, - Technology advances in Indonesia is growing very fast. It can be seen with a numerous of based technology-innovation created by Indonesian. Based on the record of Assessment and Application of Technology Board (BPPT), Indonesia has got 46th rank in technology advance in 2012. This assessment was based on a variety of...
June 22, 2014Stephanus Widjanarko: Mechanical Engineering Alumni from ITB designs F1 Racing Car
BANDUNG, Car racing is one of the most popular competitions in the world. There are many classes of racing cars in the world, one is a Formula One (F1). F1 is the most prestigious car racing competition consisting of various teams, such as Ferrari, Mercedes, Lotus, Red Bull Racing, and others. Each team joined in F1 should make his own...
July 18, 2014ITB Students ENV Launched Eco-Friendly Products
BANDUNG, - There are many ways to participate in preserving and protecting the environment, one of them is by applying ecolifestyle. Ecolifestyle can be interpreted as a modern lifestyle that still consider environmental aspects. Seeing this, Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) ITB launched an environmentally...
July 13, 2014Celebrating Ramadhan with a Million Inspirations in Masjid Salman ITB
BANDUNG, - Ramadhan is the special month for Muslims in all over the world. The splendor of Ramdhan has become the most-awaited moment. Moslems in ITB also do wait for it. The Ramadhan Events Organizer (P3R 1435 H) has been ready to hold many events in Ramadhan for all civitas academica ITB dan public. Masjid Salman ITB as the first...
June 28, 2014Fauzan Reza Maulana: Achievements while Doing What He Loves
BANDUNG, - At the end of April, ITB announced Fauzan Reza Maulana (Civil Engineering 2011) as the first winner in the event Selection of University Valedictorian 2014. With the title Ganesha Prize, he is familiarly called Fauzan will represent ITB in the National Outstanding Student Elections to be held by the Directorate of...
May 31, 20141415 Students Graduated, ITB Held A Graduation Open Session
BANDUNG, - On Saturday (12/07/14), held at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) ITB, in 1415 a number of students who have completed their education at ITB followed The Open Session of Third Graduation Academic Year 2013/2014 . Graduates consisted of 899 undergraduate students (S1), 494 graduate student (S2), and 22 doctoral ...
July 13, 2014Body Jam Using The Benefit of Fruit for Skin Health
BANDUNG, - In the era of globalization, technological advances now make continuous innovation activities. No exception in the field of pharmaceuticals, innovation also takes place very quickly. That is because the more diverse diseases suffered by humans as well as the multitude of people who start with the importance of health care....
June 19, 2014