Creating Blocker Noise Tool, Sedap Malam Team Achieves 1st Place in Okinawa Japan
BANDUNG , - Communication is an essential element in the life of man as a social being. As the rate of people movement getting high, the distance and the time difference between human beings cannot be avoided. This was overcome with the advancement of technology so that the difference in distance is not an obstacle to communicate. But in...
March 30, 2014Settled Students Celebrated Feast of Democracy without Going Home
BANDUNG, - Democracy has had its "party time". On April 9, the general election (election) legislature has been held, followed by presidential elections three months later. Through this event, Indonesians will choose the leader who is expected to lead the nation of Indonesia to a better direction. However, until now the...
March 31, 2014Freshmen Performed in Graduation Ceremony for the First Time
BANDUNG, - April is a special month which every students had been waiting for. Every April, ITB hold the second graduation in each academic year. This year, the series of the ceremony was held on Friday-Saturday (11-12/04/14). Not only for the graduates, was the ceremony has also a special moment for all the students. Before, only the...
April 13, 2014Inventing Innovative Iodine for Wounds, ITB Won the First Place in CPDC 2014
BANDUNG, - After passing through several preliminary stages since last December 2013, a team from Chemical Engineering ITB; consisting Hilman Prasetya, Anggi Febrina, Yohanes Rico (Chemical Engineering 2010), and Anggoro Bintang (Industrial Engineergin 2010) won the first place in Chemical Product Design Competition (CPDC) 2014. This...
March 30, 2014ITB Career Center: Trace ITB Alumni Profile Through Tracer Study
BANDUNG, - Tuesday (25/04/14) located on ITB East Hall, Career Center which is under Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK ITB) disseminated the result of tracer study for batch 2004, 2005, and 2006. In this disseminating, Career Center investigated ITB graduated profiles, whether about delay time to get the job, job location, and average income per...
April 06, 2014Central of Microelectronic (PME) ITB Showcase Products for Information Devices in the International Arena
BANDUNG, - Indonesia once again exhibited the work in the international arena. This time, Broadband Made in Indonesia (BWA BROMOTM) and fourth-generation wireless devices, LTE exhibited in one of the world's largest business exhibition, CeBIT 2014. BROMOTM BWA and LTE is the information technology made by the...
March 27, 2014FSL Comlabs ITB: Adept Processing Data Using Statistical Analysis System
BANDUNG, - Saturday (05/04/14), Comlabs ITB as the provider of information resource in ITB held Free Satruday Lesson (FSL) with the topics of Statistical Analysis System (S.A.S). This session was the first task for the participants of ITB's S.A.S Academy 2014.FSL that was held every once or twice in a month was not only for ITB's...
April 06, 2014